Chapter 10 : The Prince of Sotherian

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Yuhi POV

I am currently experiencing conflicting feelings. The way they behave is in stark contrast to the way my mother has always described them. Despite my mother's negative opinions, they have been nothing but kind to me. I wish my mother would give them a chance before making judgments. Even though I have distanced myself from her, I still find myself missing her. Venturing to new places and experiencing new things without her by my side is a completely unfamiliar experience for me.

"Leo!" My cat darted away unexpectedly, leading me on a wild chase to uncover his mysterious whereabouts. Leo quickly darted towards a hole and disappeared before I could stop him. Desperate to urge him to come back, I called out his name in panic. Peering into the opening, I realized he had entered a little tunnel. It dawned on me that I would have to climb the wall to follow him. It wasn't much higher than my height, so I knew I could manage it.

My main priority now was to locate Leo and bring him back safely. I secured my hair using the ribbon I always keep on my wrist for situations like this. Now, I ponder how I can navigate up this wall without a nearby entrance. I scan my surroundings, searching for any nearby branches or objects that could assist me in scaling the wall. As I gazed at a pile of circular stones, a thought quietly slipped into my mind. "This will do." By simply stepping on top of it to gain some height, I can propel myself forward with a leap.

After several tries, I successfully touched down on the ground! Now, where has he disappeared to?


Khristian  POV

"Your blending of colors has greatly improved, your Highness. This artwork surpasses the previous one by far!" I chuckled in response, feeling a hint of blush creeping up on my cheeks from his praise. "Have I? I suppose all the hard work has finally paid off."

The noise from the bushes grabbed our attention as we heard a faint rustling. After investigating, he revealed that it was simply a cat he had found. "Is this Daemin's latest companion?" He inspects it closely for a brief moment before shaking his head. "I don't believe he has a fondness for cats, but maybe he is welcoming the idea of having one in his home." The cat jumped onto his lap and approached me, seeking attention from people.

"Isn't this cat so cute and friendly?" I exclaimed, expressing my admiration for the feline's sweetness. "Oh no! Your Highness, there's some paint on your attire!"

He let out a heavy breath as I reacted with an exclamation. I reassured him that it was just a minor paint stain and that everything was fine.

"The cat did not mean it for sure, he was just surprised"

"Wow, I wonder what your name is, little kitty? It seems like Daemin hasn't gotten you a collar with your name on it yet. He must be occupied, right?"  I then noticed Velo kept looking at the small timepiece on his wrist. I reassured him that he could leave and that I would be fine staying behind with the cat. "Do you really think you'll be okay?"

"I assure you, feel free to come back and retrieve me in one hour."

"I am leaving now," he said, and I nodded. I watched as he left, and after that, I shifted my attention back to the tiny creature. "He's a loyal companion and acts as my protector. By the way, how did you get in? I didn't see you at the entrance gate. Did you sneak out? Daemin will be angry if that's the case, especially if you're only supposed to be inside!"

I inquired of the feline cat whether it had heard the noise coming from behind the bushes, hoping it would comprehend my words. I then exclaimed in surprise as a strange woman suddenly materialized before me, catching me off guard. She seemed to recognize the cat I was holding, calling and addressing it as Leo. I couldn't recall ever seeing her before. It made me wonder if the cat belonged to her. "Does this cat belong to you?" is what I asked. She nodded in agreement as I approached her, presenting her with the feline "Oh, Leo, I thought I lost you."

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