S1Ep9: Battle Of The Humungonauts

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At the Tik Tub restaurant, a crowd of people revelled in the exotic drinks, while the talented Trini Lee took the stage, performing her latest song, "The Words Stuck in my Throat." Among the spectators were Mayor Jones and Sheriff Stone.

"Mayor, I have to give it to you," Sheriff Stone remarked, sipping his juice. "Crystal Cove really needed a hip venue like the Tiki Tub, and you've delivered. The locals are going to love this place."

Mayor Jones beamed with pride, pulling out his checklist. "Just one more item checked off the list. Soon, Crystal Cove will be known as the cultural and paranormal hub of the world," he declared, raising his Tiki Cup. "And Sheriff, I must commend you on how peaceful things have been in town lately."

"In the words of Abraham Lincoln, 'A quiet town is a place where people like to spend money,'" Mayor Jones declared, wrapping up his statement with a misattributed quote.

As Trini Lee's captivating performance drew to a close, she expressed her gratitude to the audience for their attentive listening and enjoyment. However, the atmosphere quickly shifted as a massive green monster suddenly appeared, causing chaos and destruction throughout the restaurant. Once the creature departed, Sheriff Stone, assuming it was all part of the show, called out for an encore.


Ethan POV:

As I drove the van, Scooby's tearful outburst over Shaggy and Velma's relationship grated on my nerves. I decided to drown out the drama by plugging in my earphones and focusing on the road.

However, my brief escape into music was disrupted when Fred pulled out one of my earphones. Irritated, I glanced at him and asked, "What's up?"

"Is it me?" Fred inquired, looking puzzled. "Did I say something to upset him?"

Velma chimed in, reassuring Fred, "It's not you, Fred. Scooby's just overreacting. Right, Shaggy?"

Shaggy's uneasy demeanor gave away his discomfort, and he attempted to deflect the conversation by saying, "Um, if by 'overreacting,' you mean the most awesome, mature pup around, then yeah, totally."

"Good grief," I muttered under my breath as I parked the van outside the ravaged Tiki Tub restaurant, determined to focus on the investigation at hand rather than the ongoing drama inside. Stepping out of the van, I began to survey the scene, taking in the extent of the destruction wrought by the mysterious monster.

Sheriff Stone noticed our arrival and approached us with a sneer, commenting, "Well, well, look who the talking dog brought along," his hands planted firmly on his hips.

"We're here to assist," Fred asserted, attempting to placate Sheriff Stone.

"No need for your help here. None at all," Sheriff Stone arrogantly declared. "This is just your run-of-the-mill nightclub mishap. Now, you all can just mosey on out of here."

"Based on my findings," Velma interjected, holding tweezers with strands of green fur, "Whatever caused this chaos was large, green, and hairy – definitely not your average nightclub incident."

As I surveyed the scene, a burly man named Rust Gnales caught my attention. With his muscular build, orange hair, and beard, he stood out in his white shirt, red tie, light green suit, matching pants, and a yellow hardhat. "I hope that critter sticks around for more stomping. It could bring in some good business," he remarked eagerly, clearly seeing an opportunity for profit in the chaos.

"Not exactly a prime suspect," I sarcastically remarked, eyeing the cluttered surroundings. "This place is a real eyesore."

I could feel Sheriff Stone's disapproving gaze on me for my comment, but Fred tactfully redirected the conversation by inquiring if the sheriff had any information about the creature responsible for the havoc. Sheriff Stone's reaction was akin to that of a schoolgirl who had just discovered her crush liked her back.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31 ⏰

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