S1Ep8: The Grasp Of The Gnome

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The Royal Knights faire was a grand event that offered a lavish display of chivalry, entertainment, and merriment fit for royalty. As visitors approached the fairgrounds, they were greeted by the sight of colourful banners fluttering in the breeze.

Upon entering the fair, one could immediately sense the vibrant energy that permeated the air. The bustling marketplace was filled with an array of vendors selling wares ranging from fine jewellery and intricately crafted weaponry to delectable treats and handcrafted goods. The aromas of freshly baked bread, roasted meats, and spiced mulled wine wafted through the air, tempting the senses and drawing patrons to sample the culinary delights on offer.

Jen stood sipping a drink from a box, her eyes scanning the crowd as she waited for her boyfriend Ben to appear. She was adorned in traditional women's attire for the royal faire, the vibrant colours and intricate patterns adding to the festive atmosphere. Suddenly, she felt a tap on her shoulder and turned to see Ben dressed in a flamboyant pirate costume.

"I still don't understand why some people feel the need to dress as pirates at a faire meant for knights," Jen remarked, eyeing Ben's outfit with a hint of disapproval.

Ben let out a scoff. "Because knights are so dull," he retorted, his pirate persona coming to life. With a mischievous grin, he grabbed Jen's drink box and tossed it into a nearby trash can. "They're all 'Milord this' and 'Milady that,'" he mocked, mimicking the formal speech of the knights.

Slipping his arm around Jen's shoulders, Ben playfully led her through the bustling faire, regaling her with a string of pirate phrases and boisterous exclamations. However, amidst the revelry, he noticed that a part of his costume needed attention. "Excuse me, love," he said, breaking away to tend to the wardrobe malfunction.

In a secluded spot, Ben focused on mending the issue with his costume, but his concentration was broken by an eerie cackling sound echoing around him. Startled, he scanned the dimly lit surroundings, only to be taken aback when he suddenly spotted a life-sized Gnome materializing beside him.

The Gnome was an uncanny sight, with its emerald skin, snowy beard, and vibrant red hat, gloves, and shoes. Clad in a brown shirt, a belt, and black pants, it possessed an otherworldly presence, its hands radiating an ethereal blue glow. Ben's startled reaction caused him to stumble over some trash cans, tumbling to the ground in a heap.

As the Gnome drew closer, it reached out with its luminous blue-gloved hand, its touch sending a shiver down Ben's spine. Just then, Jen entered the alleyway, her easy remark about knitting a sash contrasting sharply with the ominous atmosphere.

Before she could fully comprehend the situation, the Gnome turned its attention to her, and with an unsettling swiftness, it vanished into the shadows, leaving Jen to gasp in horror. Her distress turned to a piercing scream when she realized Ben lay motionless on the ground, his skin now adorned with glowing blue veins, locked in a chilling frozen state.

Velma POV:

As I strolled through the fairgrounds amidst the lively crowd in their elaborate costumes, I stood out in my everyday attire, not particularly fond of such events. Shaggy and Scooby sported pirate garb, Fred donned a knight's armor, and Daphne looked elegant in traditional women's dress.

Ethan was expected to join us, but he opted to stay home and work on his costume. His excitement for the event was palpable, a rare sight for someone typically reserved.

"Arr, shiver me timbers! Bring forth the barbecue Türkiye legs and mutton kebabs," Shaggy exclaimed in his best pirate impression.

"Aye-Aye, Peg-leg Shaggy, sir," chuckled Scooby, playing along with the pirate theme.

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