S1Ep5: The Song Of Mystery

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At the Baywosenthal residence, Daphne relaxed on the couch engrossed in her book while the child she was looking after, Arthur, giggled at his favourite cartoon on TV. Arthur, with his tousled brown hair, freckles, and endearing gap-toothed grin, sported a coordinated ensemble of red and white striped shorts and shirt.

As the cartoon abruptly ceased, Daphne intervened, announcing, "Time for bed, Arthur," and ushered him to his room.

After tucking Arthur in, Daphne planted a tender kiss on his forehead before making her exit. "Goodnight, Daphne. You're the best babysitter ever," Arthur called out. Daphne beamed at the compliment, blew him a playful kiss, and quietly left as Arthur settled in for the night.

As the haunting melody of a flute drifted in from outside, Arthur's eyes snapped open, a strange sensation stirring within him. Downstairs, Daphne paused, her book forgotten, at the eerie sound. "Who would be playing a pan flute at this hour?" she mused, drawing the curtain aside to investigate, only to be met with a chilling sight.

Standing in the moonlit night was a diminutive figure with unruly white hair, crimson eyes, and an imposing Mayan mask, its golden and azure hues casting an otherworldly glow. The figure was draped in a patterned poncho, which partially concealed a mummified, pallid body, and its hands were adorned with menacing, claw-like nails.

Alarmed, Daphne heard a commotion from upstairs and dashed to Arthur's room. Upon entering, she found him cowering in a corner. "Arthur, are you—?" she began, but her words trailed off as he turned, revealing a startling transformation, his once familiar features now infused with a haunting, spectral presence.

With a piercing scream, Daphne fled from the bedroom, her heart pounding with fear, as Arthur ominously trailed behind, leaping and stalking her with an eerie determination. Desperate to escape, she rushed to the front door, only to find it stubbornly latched shut.

As Arthur lunged towards her, Daphne deftly evaded him, causing him to collide with the door. Without hesitation, she pivoted and raced to the window, swiftly unlatching it and leaping outside. Landing in a crouch, she quickly vaulted over the fence, her mind racing with the surreal events unfolding around her.

Crouching in the darkness, Daphne anxiously waited, her senses on high alert for any sign of Arthur. After a tense moment, she cautiously glanced back at the house, only to find Arthur closing the window, an inscrutable expression on his transformed face. Confused and shaken,

Daphne scanned the surroundings for the enigmatic figure she had glimpsed earlier, but all she found was a dissipating puff of smoke, indicating that the mysterious presence had vanished without a trace. With unanswered questions swirling in her mind, Daphne made her way home, her thoughts consumed by the unsettling events and the enigmatic figures that had crossed her path.

Ethan POV:

As I drove the Mystery Machine to school, Fred and Daphne sat in the front, while Velma, Shaggy, and Scooby relaxed in the back. Scooby and Shaggy were indulging in a case of donuts.

"I just can't fathom what happened with Arthur last night," Daphne recounted, sharing the unsettling events. "One moment he's the sweetest kid, and the next he's trying to attack me."

"Maybe he had too many sweets," Fred speculated, offering a possible explanation.

Daphne shook her head. "Sugar doesn't make you sprout fangs."

"Like, ha-ha," Shaggy chimed in, holding a donut. "Good thing, because if there's one thing I love, it's sugar." He proceeded to devour the donut in one gulp, emphasizing his point.

Scooby eagerly devoured two donuts, his face adorned with remnants of cream. "Delicious," he exclaimed with satisfaction.

"Like, totally," Shaggy agreed, helping himself to another donut. "Delicious."

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