S1Ep3: Secret Of The Ghost Rig

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On a highway that wound along the edge of a cliff, a young boy found himself being pulled over by a highway patrol officer. Thick fog hung in the air, adding an eerie yet beautiful quality to the natural surroundings. The officer dismounted from his bike and approached the car where the young man sat, rolling down the window.

"Do you realize you were speeding?" the officer inquired, his eyes concealed behind shiny glasses.

The young man gulped nervously. "Yes, officer. I do understand," he stammered, trying to convey his respect.

The officer's stern expression softened. "Alright. As long as you're aware."

Suddenly, a cloud of smoke and the rumble of thunder heralded the approach of a massive truck, hurtling past the two of them at a high speed. The officer sprang into action, swiftly mounting his bike to pursue the truck.

"Pull over!" the officer bellowed, overtaking the truck. As he drew level with it, he noticed that the vehicle was adorned with ghostly paint stripes, shrouded in an air of mystery. "Um, excuse me!" the officer called out, striving to conceal any hint of fear in his voice.

Abruptly, the truck swerved behind the officer's bike, unveiling its sinister intentions. It let out a deafening honk, emitting a pulsing, ominous noise. The officer revved his bike, attempting to accelerate, but the truck surged forward, ramming into the back of his vehicle and propelling the officer over the cliff's edge.

The bike shattered as it tumbled down the steep incline. Miraculously, the officer managed to evade serious harm by grasping onto a sturdy branch and hauling himself to safety. As he clambered back up, he witnessed the truck continue along the road before vanishing into the dense fog.

Ethan POV:

I received a summons to city hall, and Fred had also been called in, which typically signalled trouble. Fred had arranged for the gang to join us, for which I was thankful since politics wasn't really my thing.

"Thanks for coming, guys," I said, nodding in appreciation.

Fred grinned. "Yeah, it's never a good sign when our dad wants to see us at his office."

Shaggy made a casual hand gesture. "No worries."

Velma rested her hand on my shoulder. "I'll always have your back, blondie," she said, then turned to Fred. "Too bad Daphne couldn't make it. She'd definitely want to be here for you if she could."

Our dad emerged from the mayor's office. "Ah, my boys," he said, placing his hand on mine and Fred's shoulders. "Today is an important day for you, as you'll be learning about the family business--politics."

"Politics? That's grown-up stuff. You know kids my age are into setting traps and solving mysteries," Fred responded, a grin spreading across his face.

Dad looked at him in disbelief. "No, they're not."

"What he means, Dad, is that we're not really interested in politics," I interjected, stepping in to rescue Fred from a potential scolding.

Dad adjusted his glasses. "No, you both are going to learn about all the important things I do for this community."

"All you do is create pamphlets and strategize about trivial matters," I remarked sarcastically.

Dad shot a glare in my direction. "Strategizing about new locations for parking meters is very important."

I overheard Velma whisper, "I know a perfect spot for another parking meter." I couldn't help but smirk at her sarcastic remark.

Fred and I exchanged a glance and reluctantly agreed. "Fine. What do you need us to do?" Fred asked, his curiosity tinged with displeasure.

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