S1Ep4: Revenge Of The Man-Crab

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Late at night, two college students, Dylan and Brenda, toiled on the beach, meticulously preparing for the upcoming volleyball tournament on behalf of the Trickell's Triquid organization. As they neared the completion of their tasks, Dylan secured the final net to the pole, his hands deftly working the knots.

"That's the last net. Can we finally head home, Dylan?" Brenda inquired, her patience wearing thin.

"Come on, Brenda," Dylan urged, striving to quell her frustration. "I made a commitment to the Trickell's Triquid group. We promised to ensure everything is set up perfectly for the tournament."

Brenda let out an exasperated sigh. "Ugh, I'm so bored and sweaty. I despise manual labour. I can't wait for the day when robots handle all of this for us."

Dylan opened his cooler. "Here, I brought some water," he said, retrieving a bottle and walking over to Brenda.

Brenda threw her arms up. "Eww, I don't want any of that fatty-fat water," she exclaimed, her disgust evident. "I want Trickell's Triquid."

"Trickell's Triquid is water," Dylan countered, growing annoyed.

Brenda scoffed. "Uh, no," she began, listing the differences. "It's 100% Diet moisture. You want me to look good in my bathing suit, don't you?"

Dylan rolled his eyes. "Man, you're in a crabby mood," he remarked, turning to close the cooler and stow it in the truck.

Brenda scrunched her face. "Oh, please. You wanna see Crabby. I'll show you—" Her words were abruptly cut off by the appearance of a monstrous creature resembling a giant red crab. It boasted eight legs, two of which ended in pincers serving as arms, and featured a scaled abdomen, green eyes, and menacing fangs. "Man-Crab!" she screamed.

Dylan spun around just in time to witness Brenda being ensnared by the Man-Crab's formidable arm. "Ha, ha, ha, ha!" he chuckled, thinking it was all part of a prank. "Bren, where did you get those giant fake crab parts? The emporium?"

As the arm of the monstrous Man-Crab began dragging Brenda across the ground, she pleaded and begged for Dylan to save her. However, Dylan, still under the impression that it was all a big joke, failed to grasp the seriousness of the situation until it was too late. It wasn't until Brenda was pulled under the sand that the gravity of the situation dawned on him.

Dylan knelt and put his ear to the ground. "Brenda?" he called out, only to be met with eerie silence. Suddenly, the sand erupted as the Man-Crab burst out of the ground, and Dylan's panicked screams of fear faded into the night, leaving the horrifying events unknown to the residents of Crystal Cove.

Velma POV:

On a radiant and sunny day, I met up with my friends at the beach to spectate the Crystal Cove Girl's Volleyball Tournament. The weather was delightful, and I was eager to spend some time with Shaggy. As we settled in, I also exchanged waves with Angel, who was stationed at her K-Ghoul booth.

"Wow, would you look at that crowd," Shaggy remarked with a grin. "I hope they've left us some grub, Scoob."

"Ruh-roh!" Scooby exclaimed, clearly excited.

As we took in the scene, the Trickell's Triquid mascot strolled by, hawking their product. "Trickell's Triquid here. The non-fat liquid diet, no-calorie, gluten-free moisture supplement, now available in wet and extra-wet varieties."

As I glanced to the side, I spotted Ethan arranging a camera and decided to approach him to satisfy my curiosity. "Hey, Ethan. What are you up to?" I inquired.

Looking up from his task, Ethan adjusted his glasses, which he promptly removed. "I'm getting everything set up. My dad wants me to capture footage of the tournament games," he explained.

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