I looked at him with a blank expression and replied, "Yeah, one of your stupid guards did." His eyes widened, "Seriously?" Taehyung and Jimin shared a surprised glance.

Jimin spoke up, "No one told us that this happened." Taehyung joined in, "How did it happen?"

With the same blank expression, I recounted, "No one was home. He approached me, grabbed me by my waist, and started sucking my neck." I began laughing, and my brothers exchanged glances.

"Then I kicked his balls," I laughed . I continued, "Then I hit his head with the vase and he fainted but few minutes later he woke up. So, again I kicked his balls," laughing even more now, tears forming in my eyes. My brothers couldn't help but giggle, finding my laughter contagious.

As the laughter subsided, Jungkook shook his head, saying, "Y/N, you never fail to surprise us." Jimin added, "Good thing you handled it yourself." Then I said, "Yeah then Yoongi and Namjoon oppa arrived as soon as I called them. "

The moment of shared laughter was rare and surprisingly heartwarming. As we all smiled together, it felt like a fleeting glimpse of normalcy in our rather complicated lives.

However, I quickly dropped my smile, putting on the familiar blank expression that had become my shield.


I then returned to my room after dinner, putting on a blank expression. The mark on my neck, a constant reminder, filled me with disgust and anxiety.

In an attempt to alleviate the discomfort, I went to the bathroom and took a shower. During the shower, I found myself scratching the mark, unable to bear its presence.

The scratching intensified until the mark started bleeding, making the situation more distressing. After completing the shower, I carefully placed a bandage on the mark, attempting to conceal the evidence of the unpleasant encounter.

What I wore:

In a state of panic, I opened my drawer, only to find that my sleeping pills were missing

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

In a state of panic, I opened my drawer, only to find that my sleeping pills were missing. Anxiety gripped me as I frantically searched my entire room, but they were nowhere to be found, and neither were my other pills.

The unsettling thought of my brothers discovering this sent shivers down my spine. Overwhelmed by anxiety, I clutched my head as a whirlwind of thoughts consumed me.

The fear of my brothers hating me, the possibility of being sent to a mental hospital, the idea of undergoing therapy, or being confined to a room—all these thoughts raced through my mind, intensifying the throbbing pain in my head.

Unable to cope, I began tossing my belongings from the dressing table, creating chaos in my room. Bedsheets lay on the floor, books scattered, and broken perfumes added to the disarray.



As Y/N left the dining table, Namjoon then started discussing about their next mafia mission. While they were discussing, they heard sounds of things breaking. It was from Y/N's room. They all went upstairs and rushed towards her room.

Yoongi swiftly entered her room, leading his brothers, witnessing the chaos she created. Reacting quickly, he seized both of her arms, holding her tightly, and met her gaze, trying to understand the turmoil within her.

"Y/N, what are you doing? What happened?" Yoongi inquired, his eyes searching hers. She averted her gaze and muttered, "Nothing... it's nothing." The tension in the room lingered, as Yoongi sensed there was more to the situation than met the eye.

In a low voice, Y/N couldn't contain herself and questioned, "Where are my pills?" Confusion spread among everyone except Seokjin. Jungkook chimed in, "What pills?" while Yoongi gently inquired, "What type of pills, princess?"

Seokjin finally admitted, "I actually took them," drawing everyone's attention. He continued, "Y/N, being addicted to them can lead to harmful effects-" Y/N cut him off, angrily saying, "I don't care, just give them back."

Seokjin attempted to explain further, but Y/N interrupted again, "Just give them back, will you? You don't need to interfere in my problems!" The tension in the room escalated as emotions ran high.

Y/N sighed, "Just give me my sleeping pills; you can keep the other sedative pills." Namjoon, perplexed, interjected, "Wait, what? I'm super confused. Sedatives? Sleeping pills?"

Jungkook added, "Don't tell me you have sleeping problems." Y/N explained, "It's just stupid insomnia, nothing else."

Seokjin handed over the sleeping pills, stating, "You can only have these; I'll keep the sedatives with me." Y/N thanked him, and Hoseok remarked, "Well, your room's a mess, Y/N. It won't be suitable for sleeping, and the maids aren't in the mansion right now."

Yoongi suggested, "Y/N, you can sleep with me." She nodded, and they went to his room, while the others dispersed to their respective rooms.

Her Stepbrothers Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ