Chapter 23: Spend the night

Start from the beginning

"Is there a Levi repair shop anywhere nearby?"

"Guys, please," Levi shushes their dramatic blabberings. Then he side-eyes them. "What do you mean I'm past expiry? I've got years of life left!"

His friends laugh and he finds himself joining along without a care in the world. He never thought he would feel such elation. He looks up to the ceiling and rests a hand on his heart. Somewhere in the stars, he knows his mother is watching him. She'd be relieved to know that her son is doing okay. He finally believes he has what it takes to take on the next chapter of his life, and he won't be doing it alone.

Two hours pass before Levi lays eyes on his newly acquired partner, bags in hand and followed by many of his cast members. Excited laughter and discussion are shared between them all, reminiscing the night's events. Levi watches quietly from his position against the brick wall of the auditorium. He cherishes the award-winning smile Eren has on his face when he turns and spots Levi waiting for him.

"Guys, we absolutely killed it tonight!" Armin screams into the night air with a righteous fist aimed towards the sky in triumph. "Tonight, we are victorious! Knight, we celebrate like the kings we are!"

"Armin, you're speaking as if we just came from a blood-filled battle," Historia giggles with a shake of her head towards the other blonde.

"Are you saying our victory was not hard fought?" The boy points an accusing finger towards Historia, her protective girlfriend Ymir standing behind her and holding the girl securely. Armin completely ignores the look of warning. "Ladies and gentlemen. The stage was our battlefield tonight, and the audience, defenceless civilians in need of our assistance! If not for our meticulous skill in overcoming the beasts known as nerves, I fear our townspeople would not have made it. But Alas! We survived! We slayed and we conquered!"

"Slay, Queen!" Sasha yells from behind him and fits of giggles and laughter break out among the cast.

Eren departs from the group and walks up to Levi. "Hey," he says casually, a sheepish smile on his face as he greets him. There's a hint of hesitation in his eyes, and for a moment Levi begins wondering whether Eren is regretting his choices of tonight, that perhaps their newly developed relationship was a mistake. Alas, Levi's thoughts are proven to be silly when Eren boldly grabs a hold of his hand and places a quick kiss on his cheek. Eren has no regrets at all. He's perfectly happy being beside Levi, holding his hand in a loving grip and even showing a small amount of public affection.

This man, Levi comes to realise as he stares at his lover, could do anything to him in public and Levi wouldn't care who was watching, he is that enamoured with Eren's radiance.

"Hey, hey, hey! I saw that, Eren!" Jean barks like a mad dog, his finger pointing furiously towards the stunned boy. "Since when did you two stop beating around the bush?"

"Ahh! It's happening, people! The stars are finally aligned!"

"Armin, please cut it out before someone deems you worthy of a punching bag."

"Mikasa! You dare challenge me?!"

They all look like they're having fun. Each one of them has come out of the auditorium looking more alive than before. The adrenaline hasn't yet left the atmosphere. No one has been able to remain quiet longer than a few seconds and they all chime in together to relive the past few hours. It's nice, Levi has to admit. There's not a hint of malice or upset anywhere, just a bunch of theatre nerds living their dream and eager to take on the next challenge.

"Sorry, this is probably a bit much for you." Levi feels a tug at his jacket and he glances at Eren who scratches timidly at his nape. He's nervous, but not on the account of himself. Eren's understanding of Levi is more thorough than the raven could ever believe. Eren's closing off because he's aware of how much Levi loves crowds - note the sarcasm. But today, Levi doesn't have a care in the world. He has what he's always wanted. There is nothing that could strip away the renewed energy he feels being close to the adorable brat and surrounded by his peers who do more than just liven the mood. A true sense of harmony is taking place inside Levi's mind. A once desolate plain of anguish and despair has since been coloured with gleaming skies and a flourishing fortune. Levi considers himself lucky to be able to enjoy these moments.

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