Chapter 11: Curiosity Killed the Cat

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That was a mess. There's no other word that could be used to describe what happened moments before Eren set out for his journey across town. Chaos is perhaps the only equivalent. To say the least, Mikasa wasn't at all too pleased with Eren's decision to take homework to what Mikasa called "The Devil's spawn," and she was quite persistent in trying to stop Eren. Honestly, the whole ordeal was ridiculous! It shouldn't be that big of a deal, but Mikasa was literally pulling at Eren's arm, begging him to pass the torch over to someone else. Eventually, she had given in, with the promise from Eren assuring her he would only be there for a few seconds and would come straight home. That seemed to make the vicious beast that was his sister more passive, and she allowed him to go, still with a look of sadness shining in her eyes.

Eren had no intention of making Mikasa sad. It's the exact opposite he had wanted for her. His father's words had played on his mind most of the day, telling him to keep a close eye on Mikasa and to be there for her as much as he could. Something about today was setting her off, and Eren could sense it. She was much easier to piss off. Despite his father's words, Eren has reflected and realised he was the exact opposite of what was asked of him. He certainly did not make himself available for Mikasa, nor did he comfort her when she was fuming about this whole bringing Levi homework thing. But, if Eren had to choose a side, he honestly didn't see the harm in taking an absent student their homework. Besides, he and Levi were friends, and Isabel and Farlan didn't seem like they wanted the job.

He managed to get Levi's address from the scheming pair, and it has dragged him all the way across the outskirts of town. Now, he finds himself face-to-face with a small brown building surrounded by a chain-link fence that has definitely seen better days judging by the rusted wiring and partially broken links. It's bare. The gardens are stripped of any plants, and the lawn is browned out, leaving barely a speck of greenery. The grass is at least cut short, but considering the quality of the earth around this area, Eren would be surprised if there was any growth at all throughout the year. He observes the space thoughtfully and steps over the front gate that comes up just below his knees.

He picks up a small hum and smiles giddily as he walks up the small step that reaches the torn screen door. It's probably odd to think about, but Eren can definitely see someone like Levi living here. It's small, quaint, a bit rugged, and run down, yet strangely well-kept, and tidy. Stopping just before the door, he finds himself quite impressed with the lack of dirt and dust. Not even his steps walking across the beaten wood have left a mark on the unusually clean steps. The screen door, although hanging on for dear life, has been polished and almost sparkles in the light of the setting sun. Eren is amazed. He's never seen a door so well cleaned. Definitely not well-maintained thanks to the torn holes through the screen wire, but it lacks all spots of dust and cobwebs as if it's a brand new frame. Then the front door itself, the one that blocks the outside world from the inside, shines just as much as if emanating its own source of light with how spotless it is. If it wasn't for the dark wood, Eren might have been able to see his own reflection.

It's so incredibly clean, but Eren remembers, this is Levi he was coming to see. The student who always has a tidy desk in class. The man who never allows a pencil to sit out of place, or a speck of eraser dust to sit idly, a person who glares at the faded-out pencil line on his sheet of paper if the eraser doesn't quite get rid of his mistake. Levi is a man of cleanliness, and Eren has known this for quite some time. He just didn't realise this obsession also extended to his place of residence.

Eren jolts as he hears the sound of people on the other side of the front door, and he brings himself back to the reason he stands there. The homework. After all, Levi's home isn't a museum to be gawked at. People are living inside, and he can admire the architecture later when he isn't delivering schoolwork to his classmates. He straightens himself out, grips his bag strap that sits loosely over his shoulder, and, with a deep breath, knocks three times against the door.

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