"Yes, I did," I confirmed, though that wasn't exactly the case. Professor Anderson had told me to either tutor and get extra credit, or drop his course. So, I hadn't really been given much of a choice.

"Right, your Professor has paired you with a student. Take a seat, I'll email them a request to come here," the receptionist didn't spare me a second glace as he waved a hand towards what I assumed was the waiting area.

"You can't be serious?" I objected. This was ridiculous, what if this person didn't show up for hours? Or they were in class? Was I just supposed to sit here and wait for them?

"Oh, I am quite serious," he drawled, not bothering to look at me as he continued with whatever paperwork he was working on before I arrived.

I grit my teeth and rubbed my temple, willing myself to calm down. I was tired and cranky, and I would be late to work if I didn't leave soon. "Sir," I started, trying to keep my voice calm and sweet, "Can you give me this person's contact details? I'm in a bit of a rush, so I'll just contact them myself."

The man glared at me, and without him saying anything I knew I was going to be heading to work late and starving. The opening of a door stopped the receptionist from saying anything, and an older woman strode over to us.

"Tedd, I asked you to finish the paperwork for the development contract and have it on my desk this morning, why is it still not done?" She demanded. The woman had a magisterial aura about her, and I immediately knew that she ran the show.

When she turned to me, I felt myself shrink under her steely gaze. I was surprised when she gave me a wide smile. "Hey love, what brings you here?" She asked kindly, a great contrast to the biting tone she'd used with Tedd.

"I-ah," it took me a moment to collect myself, "Oh, right. I'm a tutor, and I've been paired with a student. I was told to wait for them to arrive so I can meet them."

The woman laughed at me, and I stared at her, dumbfounded. What was so funny? "Oh love," she said when she stopped laughing, "This isn't the stone age. Why waste so much time waiting for them? Ask Tedd here to email you the student's contact info and get in touch with them yourself. Just make sure you email your professor your student's progress after every lesson you have with them, okay?"

I smirked at Tedd, ready to tell this woman that that was exactly what I'd asked him to do, but she didn't let me.

"Tedd! Email this tutor her student's details, now. And then finish that contract. I better not have to ask again." It was obvious this woman didn't like Tedd, and Tedd didn't like her.

"Yes, Ma'am," he grunted as he stopped glaring at the woman and focused on his computer screen.

"If you ever have any issues, feel free to visit me. My office is right here," the woman told me, pointing at the door she had walked out of.

"Thank you," I quickly looked at her office door to read the plaque, "Mrs Fritter," I smiled at her, grateful.

It took everything in me to not flip Tedd the bird as I left.


When I looked up from my phone, the GPS sent on the diner Veronica had recommended when I called her, I found that there was someone leaning against my Jeep.

My lips formed a scowl when I realised who it was. His icy blue eyes met mine when I got to the car, and he smirked at me when he saw my displeasure.

"What?" I asked him, eyes narrowed. Conner let out a dry laugh at my attitude. "Hello to you too, sunshine," he said, grinning when he noticed my eyes roll.

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