You're changing too much

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Kay woke up and realized Kyle was gone guess he was working out. She got up in his kitchen and open the freezer. The food she bought was gone. Just then Kyle came in, "did you move my French toast sticks" she asked. "I was thinking about making something else for us for breakfast like fish, and egg whites". "I don't think I will like it", Kay said. "Well you did so well with dinner last night I was thinking you could try my breakfast with me". "I don't want to. You don't try my food" she said. "Your food is just regular junk food. I want you to try something different". "I will just make an iced coffee then". "Instead of adding sugar and milk how about a small black cup" he said. "That tastes disgusting" she said. "Honey come on you haven't tried it yet". "You threw away my stuff without me knowing". She felt herself getting upset. "You need to try new things and you weren't if I kept that stuff around". "Are you serious are you doing the eat or starve method with me" she asked. "No I just want to help you pick up something else". Kay was very upset "I'm going to go do something else right now". "Fine I understand you're upset but please I only doing this for your own good". Kay went and gave space between her and Kyle. She was upset with him, he was being pushy and changing her. She calmed down coloring her book. The repetitive movement and choice helped focus and calm her mind. She had her fidget in case she needed to give her hands a break. A minute later Kyle walked in, "hey how do you feel" he asked. "I'm ok, just focusing" Kay said not looking at Kyle, still upset with him. "I know you're still upset but come in with me I know you're hungry" he said hoping she calmed down and see his side. Kay "I wont eat it if it's not what I want" she said. "Look just try it ok" Kyle said. "Fine" she said upset, she rode with Kyle so her car was at her house. As she was coloring Kyle grab her hand with the pencil. "Also instead of coloring I been thinking what about us going on a walk" he said. "I just want to color" Kay said on the verge of tears. Kyle took the color pencil from her and took the book from her. "It's nice out today, you will love it". Kay sat there in tears, and Kyle turned around to see her. "What wrong" he asked. "You keep changing everything and me" she said! "You can't throw a tantrum every time something changes" Kyle realized how bad it sounded when he said. "My meltdowns aren't tantrums that how you see them and me. Some spoiled kid throwing a tantrum"? She said upset. "Well you can't cry when I want things better for us. I'm your boyfriend I'm supposed to change things to better us". "You just want to better you because you don't like me" she said angrily. "What the f**k. If I didn't like you I wouldn't want you to move in with me". "If you like me then you wouldn't be trying to change me" she said. "Calm down" Kyle said rolling his eyes, he couldn't understand the big deal. "I can't calm down. This is your fault"! "You can and will calm down" Kyle was getting annoyed. "No because you keep changing everything". "Jesus Christ! Will you grow up! You can't cry when you don't get your way. You're not a toddler" he yelled! "You're an asshole" she walked away crying. Kyle went for a walk to calm down and give space. He was trying to better things why couldn't she see that. He was glad he was tough, it got him through life. After 30 mins he came back to an empty house. He called but just voice mail. He sent a text "did you leave" *ding* "I took an Uber home" *ding* "why because of one argument" *ding* "you said I act like a toddler and you triggered everything" "fine if you want to run away instead of dealing with things fine". "I told you before we dated". "I was trying to help you move past it but you rather run away fine" he hang up. He was upset but went to lay down to cool off. As he fell asleep he dreamed that he was back with Vicki. "You are a terrible partner" she yelled. "What are you doing here" he asked "where is Kay" "she left so you're back with me. You don't deserve better than me" she sneered. "No I want Kay not you", "too bad you're stuck with me"! Vicki face turned into a demon face skull, red eyes, fangs. "Ahh" Kyle woke up with a jolt. He had to make things with Kay. He drove with a quickness to Kay home. He called her "hello" she answered Kyle breathe a relaxed breath. "Hey I'm sorry about earlier. Can I come in and we talk about it" he asked. "Yes" she said. She came to the door and open it. Kyle came in and shut the door. He gave her the biggest, tightest hug. "I'm sorry I'm so sorry" he said. "I'm sorry too" Kay said. "I shouldn't have blown up at you like that." "I should have handled things better". "No I should have been more patient and understanding how hard changes are for you. I can be impatient and have anger issues that I need to fix". "I do have to learn adjustment I just finally been at peace with my ways that it's hard to change". "Here let's just sleep and talk in the morning ok" Kyle said. "Is my autism too hard to handle be honest" she asked. "No never look I do have to learn and adjust I never really had to deal with it but I love you and willing to deal with anything for you. I love you" he said. "I love you too Kyle" she responded. "Besides I dealt with a lot worse shit trust me this is easy. Come on let rest ok"

My moon and stars Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora