I will come back

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It been a week since Kaye and Kyle started dating he had a hard time leaving her and her and room, her bed. He felt so happy they talked all the time. He would visit her and would be happy to see her. It was Saturday and he had to train new recruits to hike. He missed Kay and speaking to her. He promised her to see her when they're done. He finally was off at 9 hoping she was still up "hey star I'm off can I see you still" *ding* "ofc honey I always want to see you". He got in and drove to her, he came in to her warm house. He loved being there it was warm, clean, creative fill with personality. Her bed was filled with soft thick fuzzy blankets and soft pillows but most importantly she is there. Nothing beats her warm soft comforting body. She smells like sugar and flowers, her soft pillow body that fills like a marshmallow. Her smooth skin that he loves to kiss, and hold. Her sweet personality that kind and warm and comforting I see why kids adore her. She would make an amazing mother, Kyle then let his mind wonder about Kay being pregnant with his baby. She would look so beautiful and ok he is jumping ahead of him self but he couldn't help it. He hasn't been so happy even with his ex wife. Usually he somewhat dreaded going home because he knew he would be coming home to an ice box wife. Kyle remembers memories of it now. "Honey I'm home", he sees Vicki on the couch on her phone. "Honey I'm home" he says again hoping she would greet him. "Yeah I see that" she says with a dismissive tone and eye roll. He sits next to her on the couch trying to cuddle and kiss her "ew you are gross go shower" she says as she recoils from him. Kyle sighs "did you cook anything"? "Um no why"? She said again with an attitude. "Just thought you would have made something as I been working all day" Kyle said I he was starting to get irritated. "Im not your maid do it yourself", she snark back. Then a phone ring and she covered and walked away. "Who is that" he asked. "None of your business" she said. "It's that another man" he questioned. "Maybe" she was smirking. "How could you hurt me like this I work hard to give you this life and you can't even stay loyal."! He said angrily. "You don't give me enough, and I deserve more than you". "How could you ask for more? You have a nice home, you have clean food and water, hell you get to go shopping and spa days I don't ask you to work. I do this for you how could you ask me more!" He says not believing her ungrateful attitude. "My friend Miranda is on a cruise right now and I couldn't go because you didn't give me enough money!" "Are you f*cking kidding me! I couldn't give you money because I was paying our damn mortgage! I can't believe how you don't understand that"! "If you were a real man, you would be able to afford both!" She yelled back. "Do you have any idea how many people would kill to have your life?! I literally helped and been in places with the worst poverty, hell I been through the worst conditions what do you think we were doing out there, having parties no! We were in a hot miserable desert and gross food" Vicki cuts him off "I don't care about other people's problems it's not my problem! Also I didn't tell you to join, if you're so smart get a better job"! "Nothing is ever enough for you, you want more and more"! "Then give me more and I won't have to go looking elsewhere"! "Who is he"? "None of your business" "I swear to God if he been in this house". "You're never home so why does it matter"! Kyle feeling his temper rise and getting angry. "I wont say it again who is he?" Vicki refusing to answer, Kyle snatch her phone and call him he knew Vicki passcode but oddly she didn't stop it maybe she wanted a fight. "Hey baby he not home yet I'm pulling up" a man voice said. "I'm her husband you piece of shit!" "Ha you home and bed is comfortable" "where are you" Kyle seeing red. "Outside asshole". Kyle opens the door and see this preppy guy in expensive clothes on his yard looking smug. "Leave my wife and house forever" Kyle said ready to explode. "You lose idiot she wants me". "I will kill you right now get out" "try it". Kyle immediately punches the guy in the face the guy trying to fight back gets immediately put on the ground and Kyle dives in and punches him over and over and over again. He blacks out and doesn't stop until Stan pulls him off. They live minutes away and neighbors called once they saw the whole ordeal a small perk of living in a small town where everyone knows everyone. "Dude you're going to kill him stop". Kyle seething still wants to take his head off. Stan turns back at Vicki who seems to be enjoying the show, he puts Kyle in the car and tells him to spend the night to cool off. He goes to Vicki "so you were going to let your husband risk losing everything, you didn't even try to stop him". Vicki "it's none of your business". "He my brother it is especially when his career he worked years for is at stake", he says. "Well tell him to control his emotions" "you instigate that whole situation"! Vicki rolls her eyes and slams the door. Stan gets in and drives Kyle back. "How could she man? I did everything to make her happy" he said tearing up. "She doesn't deserve you man, I may be out of line but you should divorce before you have kids with her". "I love her I don't know what I did wrong". "Nothing some people can't be pleased". After he cooled off he went home and Vicki begged him to stay and she would change and she was lonely and like a fool he took her back. Kyle snaps out of his memory as he came up to Kaye home. "You're here" she said hugging him, "I rather be no where else" he said hugging her.

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