Vicki comes back

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We been going steady for six months. Kyle couldn't be happier, he loves Kay. He wants to improve their lives every day. While he working out he heard a doorbell. "Coming" he called out. He walked downstairs and opened the door and saw her, Vicki. "What are you doing here" he asked? Her blonde hair no longer beautiful and perfectly done. It was matted and tangled, she looked sickly thin, she looks and smell like she hadn't bathe in some time. If you saw her three years ago you wouldn't believe it. She was this blonde bombshell now she looks like a skeleton. "Kyle I missed you" she said smiling teeth were yellow. She tried to hug him but Kyle quickly stopped her. "What the hell are you doing I haven't seen you in almost two years and you walk in here like everything is fine" he asked in disbelief? "I know we left on a bad note but I miss you and been thinking about you". "Look I don't care about you or your needs. You're just using me like you always done and I'm not letting you do it again" Kyle said firmly. "That not true let me in" she pleaded. "No this isn't your home anymore" he said. "Please I need you" she said on the verge of tears. Kyle stepped outside "what do you mean" he asked. "My life sucks since I left. My parents cut me off and I can't afford hotels or anything" she cried. "Why should I care" Kyle responded. "You love me I'm your wife, it wasn't all bad time" she tried to argue. "I did love you but I moved on" he said firmly. "I know you have a new girlfriend but she isn't me baby I'm better than her". "Don't you ever insult her again. She beyond better than you. She not a drugged out whore who cheats with a piece of shit druggie. She loves and respects and appreciates me. You are a spoiled brat who always wanted more and more! Even your own father is disappointed in you" He yelled! He knows the neighborhood probably heard him but he didn't care her insulting his angel skyrocket his temper! If she needs anything her new boyfriend should provide! "Besides where is your new man anyway" he asked? "He left me he won't stop cheating and using and he blew through all the money" she said fully crying. "Leave Vicki" he said lowly. "Please Kyle I need you I love you" she said begging hoping he would feel some nostalgia for her. "I needed you too I was dodging bullets in another country and you divorced and cheated on me thank God I had sense to not sign over the money to you or you would have left me with nothing, I know you". "Fine you win Kyle I'm a bitch this is what I deserve but I have nothing please". Kyle sighed "I do feel sympathy truly but you need to go" he said. Vicki cried and walks off, he watched her walk away. She then turns around and yells "cheap Jew"! Kyle just shook his head and walked back in the house. He couldn't look back only forward. Hopefully she fixes her life for her sake and her parents'. After his workout and shower he went to work and came home to Kay. He told her everything over a dinner she cooked. "Are you ok" she asked concerned. "Yeah I mean it I'm over the past. She has to fix herself. I have you, you're my future" he said smiling at Kay. "You're mine too. I never thought I would find someone else but you came in my life". They enjoyed the rest of their evening together.

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