Visit pt 2

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Kaye "so are you off work do you like what you do"? She asked to keep conversation. "Yeah it has it up and down but I am proud of my service" he said. "It is something to be proud of. It not easy". "What about your job. What made you start". "I always had a passion and connection to the disabled I come from a majority disabled family and I'm autistic too. I saw lack of resources and understanding growing up and I wanted to help change the system and educate all people" she said. Kyle loved her passion he saw a light in her as she talked about it. "Wow that's amazing! I won't lie I have a hard time dealing with the idiots I have to train and work with" he said. "I have my moments when I have to cool off. They can test your limits" she said. "So what your beliefs" Kyle asked? "About what"? Kaye replied. "Life, politics, religion" he asked. "I thought you should never discuss those things" she said with a small laugh. "Well I want to know you" he said. "I get nervous about discussing my views I tend to lose friends and partners" she said. "Unless you say something heinous, you won't lose me" he said with a smile. "Well I'm agnostic I was raised Christian but as I grew up I saw a different way. I'm leftist progressive whichever way you want to say it. I'm PC or so I been told" she explained. "Ok tell me about you" she said. "I'm in the middle but people say I'm conservative I don't think I am. I'm Jewish born and I only really celebrate the major holidays but I don't do more than that" he said. "So we're opposites" she said a bit sadly. "Opposites attract" Kyle said hoping she would pick up on his hint. "Well I hope so" she says. "Well we both have something in common" he said. "Yeah we do crappy exes" she said. "I really like to take you out officially if you are up to it" Kyle asked. "Yeah I would like that. Fridays and Saturdays are my only outside days". "I hope I'm not being too personal but why do you hide in the house all the time" he asked? "I just always had a hard time fitting in and my ex husband always made me feel terrible and looked at other women. After the divorce I just couldn't handle being outside I didn't want to be seen by anyone" she answered honestly. "You shouldn't let him have power over you. You shouldn't have to hide he should" he answered. "His new wife she sent me messages and videos of everything. I confronted him and he didn't deny it. He just said he wanted a divorce. Haley the new wife told him lies that I threatened her and he believed it of course. Worse yet she pregnant and I'm infertile. They rubbed it in, he blamed me saying I was too fat and a baby didn't want me as a mom" she said crying. Kyle grabbed her hand and rubbed it softly. "None of those things are true. I can tell you will be a great mom. Also birthing a kid isn't the only way to be a mom there are so many kids who need loving homes and parents. Also Haley a bitch I can tell. You're beautiful and amazing" he said. "Thank you so much" she said wiping tears. "Hey I'm into fitness and diet if you want to lose weight I can help you. I train the new recruits and advise the my peers all the time on staying in shape in the military" he said to her. "Thanks I'm sorry I cried and told that story. I hate crying in front of others." Kyle "it's ok it's never wrong to feel your emotions" he said. "Here if it helps I'll tell you my story it's long." Kaye shook her head yes. "After basic training my high school sweetheart dump me. She couldn't take the distance and she didn't believe in the war. I was devastated because we promised each other we get married after basic. Well my buddies took me out on the town and I met Vicki a college student and she was beautiful. She told me everything I wanted to hear and I took her out and I foolishly married her after 3 months. I was lonely, young and an idiot. At first everything seemed great but then she started wanting more money and I worked hard to become higher rank and pay then she wanted a house not an apartment I said ok I got us a house my parents helped they set aside a savings account for me since I was born and I spent almost all of it on her. She wanted a new car and I got her one. She wanted money shopping and nails I gave her that. She kept wanting more and shopping more. I tried to keep up but it was hard and I was running myself ragged and anytime I couldn't get her what she wanted she threw a tantrum and would act cold to me. I got deployed to Iraq for six months later and she stopped calling and writing after a month. I came home for break and found her cheating. I was livid and she cried breaking down saying the loneliness and needs got to her and she would be better. I should have divorced then but again being in love and dumb. I had to leave and she started cheated again. She also started drama with every woman in town, but Wendy clashed the hardest. Wendy and Vicki argued because Stan knew she cheated and he called her out we been best friends since we were babies he my brother at this point. She didn't like that told him to mind his business and she tried to lie on him to Wendy and say he was cheating. Wendy didn't believe her and called out her lies. Vicki spread awful rumors about them like Tyler wasn't Stan son, they're abusive addicts all kinds of untrue statements. It went on for months and other people got involved. I came home from leave and got a big promotion. At the party my parents were throwing for me. Vicki and Wendy were both there and Vicki told Wendy to back off and they should mind their business and she announced to everyone at my party that Wendy and Stan were divorcing. Wendy angry announce to everyone that she was cheating on me and had the guy there. Vicki was angry at attack Wendy and Wendy beat her they both were fighting. I was angry and hurt and betrayed and worse embarrassed by everyone. My promotion and homecoming was ruined by Vicki but she always was center of attention so she was probably happy. We went home and I asked her was it true. She said yes and she wasn't happy and she never loved me and just wanted to be comfortable. She wanted her new man and half of everything. I divorced her and gave her a one time payment. Oh but I found the guy he was arrogant and thought he had something over me. I beat the shit out of him, but that's the story" he said. "Wow I'm so sorry" Kaye said. "I was fighting for my life and she was having a ball with my money" he said. "She didn't deserve you. You fought hard for her and the country she hurt you and everyone else". "It's one of the reasons I kept going back I was depressed and felt like my life was over. I thought about retiring for her but I'm so glad I didn't." Kaye grabbed Kyle hands you deserve your career". Kyle kissed Kaye hands and she smiled. Kyle "I have to get ready for work but I want to take you at next Saturday". Kay shake har head yes. Kyle leaves and drives home, Kay wash their dishes she had a great time. "I hope he likes me back" Kyle at his home "I hope she likes me back".

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