Act 2 - Chapter 3: Light In The Night

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A/N: This chapter is mostly about The Seed & Guiding Light.

[Hotel Exterior - The Seed]

Beautiful stars, that's what they resembled. Small, white meteors illuminating the rainy night. What used to be part of Volt, now was reduced to a storm of comets raining down on what remains of this section of the hotel. The Seed gazed at this sight, almost proud of himself for dispelling the monster that tormented his abode, disgraced it with their... mere presence. But then, they caught sight of something falling with the storm. A blue humanoid figure. They immediately blipped and grabbed the blue figure before blipping again into a dark room, the only things illuminated by the floating chandelier were the wooden floorboards and two chairs facing each other. The Seed plopped the glowing blue figure down onto the chair and stepped back, their hands shaking as for the first time in your everlasting life, they were scared. This monster wasn't just a Saturday morning villain or another of Seek's rebellious creatures...

It was his son...

Without thinking, The Seed blipped away for a few seconds, before returning with a potted plant in their hand, it was the Herb of Viridis. He plucked a few leaves and put them onto Guiding's forehead, which were absorbed into his body and caused him to groan as he slowly awoke.

"F..father...?"Guiding Light groaned weakly, they couldn't move not out of paralysation, but because they were weakened. Their voice wasn't smooth like Curious's. In fact, Being Volt for so long has probably damaged their vocal chords, somehow. The Seed just stood there, unable to process what they had just done. "You... You were alive t-this whole time, I... I-I nearly killed you..." The Seed sputtered, taking a seat across from Guiding. "It's not y-your fault... It was his..." Guiding Light weakly said. "He manipulated me, manipulated us all... I... I am so sorry..."

The Seed just put his face into his hands, both figures softly illuminating the room as a silence befell them. "There is so much I want to say... I-I want to be angry for what you have done, but... Did you really want to destroy the hotel? O-Or was that the monster speaking?" Asked The Seed. Guiding Light coughed violently before responding: "I was trapped for so long... I became apathetic. But... what about everyone else? How many have died?"

The Seed went quiet for a bit, before quietly sighing and saying: "I may be nigh-omnipotent, but I cannot say for sure how many have suffered under your carnage. Seek is becoming more restless and his presence has increased, Screech populations have been going down rapidly, but that was noticed after Crucifixes were distributed... I-I had a feeling it was you, but I guess i needed to prove it... I didn't know... I am sorry, son."

"Don't be, father... I've done as much harm to this hotel as I've done good. You were protecting this hotel." Guiding says, the Herb was healing him, but he was still visibly weakened. "Rest, son. We will rebuild from this, but if you have anything to ask, fell free to speak." said The Seed. 

"Just two... Why did you not kill me? I destroyed, like... half the hotel at this point." Asked Guiding. "You said being Volt made you more apathetic. I figured it was 'Volt' doing it, not you. I know you, you always pitied the Travellers and I always told you that they were beyond help. I guess i was wrong, huh?" spoke The Seed, both of them chuckling. "And plus, you didn't try to manipulate the whole hotel to serve you and kill your brother." said The Seed.

"Yeah... but uh, now that I remember, There's a traveller... one who has befriended a screech... I-I need to make sure they're safe..." Guiding said, sounding a bit more panicked when he realized the blast might've... killed them. "Ah Yes, Y/N, Ten and... Oh? Another Screech now?" spoke The Seed as he was trying to identify the last Screech. From Guiding's perspective, it just looked like The Seed was sitting there looking at him, but due to The Seed's nigh-omnipotence, he could look at multiple places at once.

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