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A privated channel between two unknown users: [USER_DRNAMIB] and [USER_GLV] was just discovered inside of the hard drive of a laptop located in {DATA REDACTED}. It is a transcript of an audio conversation between them, but it unknown who the two users are as we only have these usernames to work from, but it has been inferred that 'DRNAMIB' could be referring to the infamous 'Dr Namibia', which is a moniker for an internet troll who has leaked multiple classified military documents involving (DATA EXPUNGED), whilst 'User GLV' is... Unknown, possibly a John Doe. See below the full transcript of the text conversation between the two users, as much as we could have downloaded before the drive corrupted. We don't know why the transcript has "users" as it was an audio conversation, but we won't question it.

[USER_DRNAMIB]: Okay, Attempt number four at communication... testing, testing, Subject GLV, can you hear me?

[USER_GLV]: Yes...

[USER_DRNAMIB]: Alright, good... Good, the experiment is working so far then. So, Test Subject GLV seems to be in a weakened state from the sedatives which means...

(four second silence)

[USER_DRNAMIB]: ...power output is at twenty-four percent currently. Okay... Subject GLV, do you remember anything before waking up just a few minutes ago?

[USER_GLV]: .nngrrg... Barely... It's... faint....

[USER_DRNAMIB]: Okay, take your time and just try to tell us whatever you remember first...

(thirty seconds of silence, electrical buzzing becomes audible and a sneeze is heard, it is presumed to be 'DRNAMIB' )

[USER_GLV]: I... Was going down some stairs... Investigating something, a 'Power Grid' if i recall...

[USER_DRNAMIB]: And do you believe you found whatever this 'Power Grid' was? What was it like?

(Ten second silence)

[USER_GLV]: I... Must have... I saw a bright light and... wait, where am I? Who are you?

[USER_DRNAMIB]: I am sorry, but that cannot be disclosed at the moment as it might be... disasterous for us. Once we are done here you will be released and-

[USER_GLV]: You... I remember that voice... You managed to catch me... Tortured me... Locked me in a cage...

[USER_DRNAMIB]: ... (gulp) ...y-you remember that..?

(GLV becomes more distressed judging by the audio glitching, lights are audibly flickering)

[USER_GLV]: You dont know what you have done... The Hotel... You left it unattended. The Travellers need guidance! I can't let them die! I WON'T LET THEM DIE!

[USER_DRNAMIB]: Subject is becoming hysterical, someone pull the breakers! QUICKLY PULL T-

(Audio Corrupted)

At this point, inferring from what the audio has provided, we can assume Dr Namibia and anyone else nearby was killed. It can also be assumed that Dr Namibia was not just some simple online hacker, but a government employee for a foreign country or secret corporation, which might explain his professional lingo.

These drawings were also found on the scene and only one of the sketches were identified. The second was entirely up to interpretation. Below are the two drawings: the first being some sort of prison foind underneath (DATA EXPUNGED), but the second is unknown. Possibly GLV judging by the fact the being is in chains. Artist Unknown.

 Artist Unknown

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