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'Entity' is an umbrella term to name the many unique inhabitants of the hotel that aren't travellers. Whilst travellers will meet many of the Entities throughout their journey, they are blissfully unaware of what they truly are and many travellers speculate that entities simply hang out with each other when not actively hunting travellers down. This is a misconception, but Screeches are the closest thing to an exception.

Entities such as Hide, Guiding & Curious, Jack, Sally, and Shadow are independent entities and there are only one of each. They all possess abilities that allow them to either exist everywhere at once or be anywhere whenever they want. They are all at the highest part of the 'hierarchy' in the Hotel and are the oldest, which explains their autonomy.

Seek is a gelatinous being of unknown origin. What travellers would name 'Seek' is actually a caricature used by the gelatinous slime in order to kill travellers. The massive arms that break the windows are as much 'Seek' as the thing that chases travellers. We are unsure whether to classify Seek as a 'hivemind' since they are the gelatinous slime and can appear anywhere at any time throughout the hotel, but each individual caricature of Seek has the same personality of being a bloodthirsty, traveller-hating marathon runner, so we're leaning towards 'not a hivemind'.

Screeches, although made of that same gelatinous slime, share no similarities with Seek in terms of appearance or personality. In fact, they are classified as a 'species' as there are hundreds of thousands within the hotel that all have their own personalities, cultures and names. However, most of them attack travellers in the dark because it's a game to them. They do it because they think it's funny and their bodies evolved to absorb any blood they come into contact with in order to heal them since they get attacked. A lot.

Figure, Halt, The ones at Door 52, Rush, Ambush, Eyes and Dupe fit both the 'species' and 'hivemind' categories because there are hundreds of thousands of each in every run and each individual entity has it's own personality, however they all share the same memories and knowledge. This means that, for example, one Figure could be absolutely bloodthirsty whilst another could be a simple silent reader, but they all share the same memories of the same travellers that pass through their area. 

Void is not associated with Hide despite the 'darkness' theme, but no one in the hotel has been able to see them properly so we aren't even sure what or who they are.

Notes: Hide & Seek often call each other 'brother' due to their names and familial closeness, however they are not biologically family and have no reason to do so, but they do anyway which means Seek might be able to reciprocate kinder, more empathetic emotions, but actively chooses not to.

The Seed has been missing for years. 

Our Creator 

Factor Terrae Nostrae. 

He will return and save us from a beast of light and power by ripping out it's heart and splaying their gore amongst the ruin.

The Terror that will tear us asunder, will be torn asunder with us.

In the ruins he will rebuild a haven for all. 

No hate, No anger, No death,

Just beautiful peace. 


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