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Current Objective: Locate and Free Guiding Light (Aka Subject-GLV, Volt).

Objective Status: Incomplete

Notes: We can't free the Light without the help of the 'Marked Ones'. Only two entities here have the power to 'mark' a Traveller and they've been given that permission by the new Light, Curious, themselves: Seek, and his "brother", Hide. They have been given a duty to mark any travellers they come across, so that when they eventually get killed, Curious can enlist them and send them down to complete the objective.

It is imperative we use Marked Ones, and that we keep this silent between the entities, although I am unsure how long we can expect to keep this a secret as only entities can see the mark (which is an orange eye placed on the back of a traveller's neck). If anybody but a Marked One goes down into the depths, we cannot know for certain of their status and location. It's not that they are the only ones allowed down there, it's just that they are in more danger as we cannot monitor their status and vitals. It is also because Guiding Light needs to know that his brother was trying everything he could to free him, as the lights have their own distinctive marks.

Any traveller with a 'mark' will never know that they have it until they are killed or incapacitated. By then, they'll have been contacted by Curious Light and enlisted, but how often do you think about looking at the back of your neck?

Seek and Hide are the only ones entrusted with the power to 'mark' a traveller so far. To mark a traveller, all they have to do is to identify the traveller of choice, and be the one to either kill them, or be near them when they die (in Hide's case). Once the traveller is down, they are to put two fingers on the back of the traveller's neck and whisper [INFO REDACTED]. This will mark the traveller. Two things must be clarified: One, Hide has been noted to have a physical body but chooses to remain in the darkness, and two, it is after the NEXT death that the traveller is enlisted. When they are marked for the first time, they will not be enlisted.

The mark will remain with them until Curious chooses to remove it. It doesn't have any side effects physically, emotionally or mentally and a mark should be thought of as a tattoo that allows for Curious to monitor the status (vitals and location) of a traveller. If a traveller is to die in the depths, they will return all the same, but without any memory of the last 24 hours. We do not know why.

The below text is a transcript of a video that a traveller took whilst in the hotel the video itself was deemed unnecessary for the document, but the audio transcript and description of events was gladly provided by the author.

Location: Presumably one of Seek's corridors.

Audio cuts in, camera shows the traveller crawling away from Seek.

[Traveller]: W-wait! Please d-don't kill me! I-I'll do anything!

Seek does not speak, only growling as they approach angrily. The traveller shields their face using their arms, whimpering in fear.

[Traveller]: PLEASE! PLEASE NO!

Seek grabs the traveller by the neck, throwing them across the hall. At this point, the camera is covered as it fell out the traveller's pocket, so we only have audio to go from.

[Traveller]: AHH! Shit... s-shit... No...

Seek's footsteps are heard passing by. The traveller has presumably entered a state of panic as quiet crying was heard. Seek is presumably standing over the traveller, observing them as no sound was heard for a bit.

[Traveller]: P-p-please... no...

Seek suddenly grabs the traveller again, the traveller freaks out screaming and begging for mercy, but Seek shows none as they kill them, presumably by snapping their neck. A loud thud is heard as the body hits the floor. Seek then kneels down and mutters something and a quiet ringing is heard. It can be inferred that this is Seek 'marking' a chosen traveller.

Seek then finds the camera and picks it up, before crushing it. Audio end.

Known Marked Ones:

[Marked One 1] - Status: Deceased.

[Marked One 2] - Status: Deceased.

[Marked One 3] - Status: Deceased.

[Marked One 4] - Status: Deceased.

[Marked One 5] - Status: Alive? / Location: Door 52 / Nearby Lifeforms: Jeff, El Goblino

[Marked One 6] - Status: Deceased.

[Marked One 7] - Status: Deceased.

[Marked One 8] - Status: Deceased.

[Marked One 9] - Status: Deceased.

[Marked One 10] - Status: Deceased.

[Marked One 11] - Status: Deceased.

[Marked One 12] - Status: Deceased.

[Marked One 13] - Status: Deceased.

[Marked One 14] - Status: Deceased.

[Marked One 15] - Status: Deceased.

[Marked One 16] - Status: Alive / Location: Room 14 / Nearby Lifeformss: Screech

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