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A/n I kinda forgot about this story... SO SO SORRY!!!! Also my own idea for once, heh. And Tubbo pov this time.
Pac pov

I just logged on, I was curious if Tubbo was avoiding me. I mean I haven't seen him log on in a while and he is generally logging on like every day, maybe not showing up for a day once in a blue moon but like that's it. The last time I saw Tubbo was on Valentine's Day when we did a group dungeon and I haven't seen Tubbo after I crashed at the dungeon. I'm worried... what if he actually hates me and Fit, what if he got kidnapped, what if he got tired of me, what if Tubbo replaced us
with Foolish, what if Tubbo decided to replace the morning crew with... town of fobo? No, Tubbo wouldn't abandon us for Foolish, right? I mean we were there for Tubbo when the whole Fred situation happened not Foolish, we were there for Tubbo when he adopted Sunny not Foolish so there's no way that was an option, right.

I went to find Fit before I over think this to much and maybe to get some answers about what happened with Tubbo.

I found Fit at his house. "Oi Fitch!" I said as I waved to him. "Hey Pac!" Fit said back. "Hey Fitch do you know what Tubbo is up to lately? I haven't seen him since Valentine's Day." I ask the bald 2b2t veteran. He stiffens (is that the right word?) and looks at the grass like it's the most interesting thing he has ever seen in his entire life. "Don't worry" Fit looking down, but I could see guilt on his face. "Fit, what happened?" I ask, I was starting to get worried. "Nothing." Fit answered not looking at me at all. "Fit, what are you hiding from me? Did something happened to Tubbo?" I ask, starting to panic slightly. Fit sighed, then said. "Tubbo... After you crashed at water dungeon, Richas and Tubbo decided to gamble their last lives and Tubbo lost..." Fit said with guilt in his voice. "Okay and? Didn't Tubbo just respawn after Richas killed him?" I ask. Like didn't Tubbo just respawn? Last time I checked had an unlimited amount of respawns. "Pac, at my birthday party Tubbo made a deal with the federation to have 2 lives like the eggs and lost a live in the same night... And after you crashed at the water dungeon Richas killed Tubbo... permanently. Tubbo is dead, permanently." Fit said. And now I understand. It can't be... this has to be a joke, right? At any moment Tubbo should show up and say this is just a bad joke. He can't be dead. "I know you don't believe me but I can take you to his body if you don't believe me." Fit said calmly. "Sure..." I agree. Maybe Tubbo and Fit planned a surprise for me and made this shitty excuse to get me where the surprise is, yeah, definitely. There's no way is dead... right


A/n I seen some poly morning crew post lately so out of pure curiosity, what do you guys think about it? Also I hope the chapter is decent. Also I think about making a part 2 to this, but I am not sure.

Word count 567

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