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A/n the fanarts aren't mine, I can't draw even if my life depends on it. Sorry for the grammar mistakes, my first language isn't english. Pretty much all the HC are about Tubbo with maybe an exception or two.

HC THAT APPLIES EVERY TIME UNLESS I SAY SO- PHC (I'm literally coming up with this short version obviously the spot)

HC.1-Tubbo is a goat hybrid and his lore from the Dsmp and Qsmp happened in the same universe.- SHC

HC.2-(this one is a combination of other people HC that I had seen) Tubbo is a dragon hybrid and is the oldest among the eggs.
The Federation had experimented on Tubbo in his first 12 years of living. The fed stopped experimenting on when they got the other eggs. At the age of 13 or 12 they had frozen him until the date he joined the server irl. Because of the long time he has been frozen, his wings don't work anymore.- SHC

HC.3- All the eggs are between 9 and 7 years old.- PHC

HC.4- Tubbo is a cat hybrid and is the younger sibling of Cellbit and Bagi. Tubbo has been missing for 10 years, so Cellbit give up on any hope that he might be still alive, but Bagi still has a little bit of hope left. Cellbit and Bagi doesn't know that Tubbo is their missing little brother, but Tubbo knows and because he doesn't really trust them or anyone on the island (except the morning crew). Tubbo doesn't want Cellbit and Bagi to figure it out who he truly is so from his first day on the island, he has been hiding his hybrid traits. His tail tied to his back and covering his cat ears with a green bandana. Only Pac,Fit,Ramon and Richarlyson (did I write that correct?) know the true.- SHC

HC.5- Tubbo loves apple slices so much that he always carries some all the time.- PHC

HC.6- Tubbos chat are bees because he is our bee boy.- PHC

HC.7- Fit and Pac are Tubbos parental figures, while Mike and Phil are more like uncles figures and Richars and Ramon are like his little brothers.- PHC (except for HC.4)

HC.8- Tubbos favorite flowers are the dandelions.- PHC

HC.9-Tubbo is Gay and Trans FTM, while Fred is Non-Binary, Bisexual and Asexual.- PHC

HC.10- Tubbo always tries to hide his problems and tries to not disappoint the ones he cares about. His always up to help the ones he cares for when they struggle, but doesn't want to bother them with his problems.- PHC

HC.11- Because of Tubbos and Freds relationship, Tubbo sometimes visits the Fed office to bring Fred somethings and bumps into other Federation workers pretty often, sometimes even cucurucho. Wich is why Federation doesn't bother him unless he breaks a more serious rule and can get with breaking minor rules.

HC.12- Tubbo has schizophrenia, trust issues, ocd and abandonment/ attachment issues.- PHC

HC.13- Tubbo actually owns nuclear weapons and always has a button on him that will nuke the whole island in 5 minutes after it's pressed. He has this button as last resort plan in case things go to horrible on the island.- PHC

HC.14- Tubbo can speak german, english, spanish, french and portuguese. He knows german from the time he spend with Nikki on the dsmp, spanish from the time he spend with Quackity on the dsmp, he started learning french to understand when Etoils and Pierre are trash talking about him in front of him and portugeze to impress Pac or because of Hc.4. No one on the island except Fred knows about this. Tubbo is insecure about how well he can speak the languages or how well the accent is so he doesn't want anyone else to know.- PHC

HC.15- Tubbo smokes and drinks when he's stressed.- PHC

HC.16- Tubbos has burn marks( either from the maze or from his execution in dsmp)- PHC

I saw this post and I love the HC so much that I'm also going to applied to my chapters.

I saw this post and I love the HC so much that I'm also going to applied to my chapters

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The post isn't mine, the username of the person who posted this is visible in the first screenshot.

HC. 17- Tubbo knows a way to leave the island and could leave the island at any moment, but he chooses to stay and not tell anyone about this way because he is afraid of the fact that the morning crew will fall apart when they get of the island.

HC. 18- Because of the many explosions that Tubbo was near in his dsmp lore he has hearing problems and learned sign language, only Sunny knows. Since the eggs can't speak they sign language or their signs. And sometimes Tubbo speaks with sunny in sign language.

HC. 19- Tubbos emotions control the weather.

Word count 846

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