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A/n Ty @Mizu_Died for the idea! Also I have no idea who are the talented artists that made the fanarts that I put above my chapters. Longer chapter.
Tubbo pov

Apparently when my past self was in our timeline he traume dumped on Pac and Fit and now they are sending me to therapy with Roier. And the funniest thing is that I don't even trust Roier anymore so I'm not going to tell him shit so he can't help me wich means the whole is literally pointless.

Anyway right now I'm trying to convince Pac and Fit to cancel my therapy appointment last minute. "Guys I'm still alive, I don't need therapy at all." I whined as I try to bargain with Pac and Fit about the whole therapy thing. "Tubbo, alive doesn't mean fine mentally, plus it's to late to back down now." Fit says unimpressed by my whining. "Yeah! Also you have more trauma than half of the islanders wich is alot. But If you want we can walk you there and after you finish your session me and Fit would pick you up! What do you think?" Pac says trying to cheer me up and to be honest it worked a little bit. "I guess, but my first session really needed to be an hour long? Why not just 30 minutes?" I ask knowing that a therapy session can be only 30 minutes because of my friend Tommy who was doing 30 minutes sessions once a week with my aunt, Captain Puffy. "A therapy session can't be 30 minutes Tubbo." Fit says. "It actually can have 30 minutes. I had a friend who was doing 30 minutes therapy sessions once a week with my aunt." I tell them. "Tubbo let's just go or you would be late." Pac says as he drags me out of my storage factory.

As me, Pac and Fit are walking towards Roiers therapy office or whatever he calls it,
a lot of negative thoughts came to me. What if I'm to fucked up to be repaired? What if after Pac and Fit think I'm better they would leave me? What if they just pretend to care about me out of pity? What if they abandon me? What if they become as untrustworthy as the other island members? What if- "TUBBO!" A very familiar voice that I can't seem to figure out yeels getting my attention. I look up and I see Pac and Fit in front of me, sitting on the grass while I was on my knees crying. I don't even know how we ended up like this. As I look at their faces I see how concer was the only emotion visible there. "What happened..." I ask. "You suddenly dropped on your knees with tears in your eyes and your pretty much unresponsive for 5 minutes." Fit tell me calmly. "Also we told Roier that you would be a little late. But what does matter right now is if your okay." Pac adds. "I'm okay now. I think we need to get to a therapy session now, aren't we?" I say. After I say that we start heading towards Roiers therapy.

Time skip (when they get to Roiers office)

Still Tubbos pov

As I bind Pac and Fit goodbye I enter Roiers therapy office thing I feel a bit more relaxed, even like I could talk anything with him. "Sit down please." Roier tells me. I sit down at Roier request. "So how did you manage to worry Pac and Fit that much to tou send without choice to therapy with me?" Roier asks. "Well when my past self was here he kinda just told them my whole life story before the island and there are also some other things they knew before that." I answer him. "Okey, uhmmm so what did exactly your past self tell them?" Roier asks. I consider for a minute if I should tell him or not. "Well I guess... so (insert entire Tubbo dsmp lore cuz I'm not rewriting it and if you want to know read the previous part "MW-MEETING SOMEONE FROM THE PAST"), so yeah." I explain. "Okay... what about the other things?" Roier asks looking pretty shocked by what I said. "Well for my smoking habit, they are very against my smoking habit. Also they think I'm a bit delusional because I keep seeing this tall lanky black figure with one blood red eye. And I think an other reson is all my crazy theories about how anyone on the island could be either a traitor, a secret villain or working for the federation. And how sometimes out of nowhere just become the clingiest human being. But other than that I don't see any other reasons Pac and Fit would want to send me therapy." I tell Roier like it's the most normal thing in the world. "Wow... First of all I think you have schizophrenia, ocd, pretty severe paranoio and trust issues. Second of all I need you to elaborate more about the clingy thing." Roier says with a professional tone. "I guess sometimes or more specifically when Pac or/ and Fit are about to leave the island for short periods of time something in brain is like 'their going to leave you' or 'don't give them the chance to leave you alone for good' but I never really question these thoughts and I just listened to them." I explain to Roier. "Aha.. this is most likely a trauma response, but the real question is. Do you know what might caused?" Roier says as he writes something down in his notebook. "Most likely my childhood. My mother left my father and me when I was like 3- 4 years old, my father was an alcoholic abusing bitch that died when I was 11 or 12 years old and I been pretty much a orphan since then till now since Fit and Pac are my parental figures." I tell my therapist. "By what you told I can say you have abandoned/ attachment issues." My therapist tells me. "Oh... well you give me a diagnosis so can we end this therapy session and calling it a day." I ask hopefully. "Nope! Plus I already have some advice for you. First of all you need to talk to Pac and Fit about your fear of them leaving you for good and find a solution so lessen your fear. Second of all you need a healthy hobby to help you relax your self and help you take of your mind from your problems, fears and anxiety. And third of all you will a meditation called ###### for your schizophrenia." Roier says as he hends me a piece of paper with the name of the meditation on it. "Anything else?" I ask. "No, your free to go now bye bye Tubbo, I'm looking forward to a future therapy session with you." Roier said. "Bye Roier." I say back. After me and Roier said our goodbyes, I get up and leave his office. Outside Pac and Fit were waiting for me. "So how did it go?" Pac asks excitedly. "Pretty good I guess. I got diagnosed with abandonment/ attachment issues, trust issues, severe paranoia, ocd, told to get a hobby and on this piece of paper is the name of my schizophrenia medication." I casually explain. The expressions on Fits and Pacs faces go trough a series of emotions such as shock, concern and empathy. "Can I the medication name?" Fit asks. I hand him the piece of paper. After that we start walking back to my factory district in  a
comfortable silence. "Tubbo never forget that me and Pac will never leave you for good." Fit says reassuringly as he interrupts the silence.

Time skip (a few weeks later)

After my first therapy session with Roier I started gardening, only flowers. Also now I'm doing therapy with him twice a week and for one hour each session. Pac and Fit helped me a lot. Even though I still have problems that they will never know about I'm still doing slightly better now. Right now I'm working on my garden with Pac and Fit. "This garden is so beautiful!" Pac exclaims. "Yep and only the persons that know about the whereabouts of this garden are you 2, Richas, Ramon, Fred, Mike, Phil, Chayanne and Tallulah." I say as I plant more carnations seeds. "Aha... Also Toby can you give me more lavander seeds I just ran out." Fit tells me. "And I kinda need more ranunculus( these flowers actually exist) no seeds..." Pac adds. I give Pac and Fit more seeds and we continue to work on planting them.

Time skip (after they finish planting)

Still Tubbos pov

As me, Pac and Fit finish planting the flowers it become really late. "I guess we have to head home now because it's pretty late now." I say as I check the time. "Good night then see you guys monday!" Pac says. "Good night then and also Tubbo don't cause any trouble tomorrow cuz me and Pac won't be able to get help you out." Fit says as he ruffles my hair. After all 3 of us bind our good night we go to our respective homes.
A/n Sorry if there are any grammatical mistakes, english isn't my first language. Also I don't know shit about how a therapy session works since I never been to one.


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