The Calm Before the Storm

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a/n: I have scrapped this chapter so many times, it always ended up too 'spicy' so I decided to do something more pg13 (sorry guys)

Wednesday's POV:

"Are you sure you want to rest, Sinclair?" I ask as I stare at her, she sits on my bed, looking up at me with her icy blue eyes.

She nods in response, "yeah, will you lay with me?"

I stay silent. I look at my bed, then back at her.

"Mmh-- is that a no?" She softly touches my hands and squeezes them. Her hands gently pull on me and she leans closer, a smile grows on her face.

"I have no choice but to accept, you are sleeping on my bed after all." I reply coldly.

"Would you rather I slept on the floor?" Her brows rise as she jokes.

"Your old bed is right there," I say. Enid's eyes shift to the isolated bed behind me.

"There's no pillows there," she says as she looks back at me. Her eyes slightly squint.

Her curious hand travels up my arm and down again while she enticingly looks at me. She is trying to provoke me, and it is working. But I am not going to be the first one to give in. Not again.

I lean closer to her, her eyes are truly enchanting. Those pale sapphires appear angelic and, oh, so innocent, but I am aware of her intentions behind them.

"If you're not laying with me then I'm going to sleep alone, don't stay up too late." She looks at me, waiting for an objection.

"Good night, then." I dryly say.

Clearly annoyed, she looks at me. Her head tilts to the side, and her ardent gaze focuses on me as she leans closer. Her eyes lower as they stare at my face. I feel myself being drawn to her; I subconsciously lean towards her person.

"Good night." She replies, but her tone is quiet and with a hint of seduction. I can tell from the way she looks at me that she does not actually want to rest. What she wants is far from that.

From the dark room I can barely see her softly bite on her lip as she turns away from me, but before she can fully turn, I stop her by placing my hand on her cheek. Slowly, she turns back to face me. Her eyes are narrowed, she is not looking at me.

"What is it, Wednesday?" She tries to maintain her composure after receiving what she craved for so long yet her eyes avert mine.

My thumb delicately strokes her cheek as I await for her to look at me back. Not even a second later, her eyes hesitatingly look at mine, occasionally darting away. I lean close to her, our lips inches away from each other. My hand curls behind her neck, tangling themselves in her golden hair.

I close my eyes before lightly grazing my lips against hers, like the faint brush of a butterfly's vibrant wing. As soon as I open my eyes, I pull away. Her eyes open, slightly widening with confusion.

"Good night kiss," I clarify.

With furrowed brows, she blankly looks at me. Her tongue moves across her teeth, behind her lip.

"Is there a prob--?" But before I can finish my sentence I get cut off by her strong hands that forcefully pull on the collar of my striped t-shirt. Our lips aggressively meet — and on impact, the bed wobbles violently for a beat before calming down.

Her hands let go of my collar but now move around my neck. Her grip is firm but weak, she does not use her full strength, as if she was scared of hurting me.

"Wens," she breathlessly says through our kiss. She is not calling for me as I am right here, she is trying to get me all bothered. Her whiny voice begs for me, she repeats my name over and over again, her tone is filled with desperation. Bewilderingly, her voice takes over my hearing senses. I cannot hear anything else but her repetitive calling of my name.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12 ⏰

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