Have you ever been in love? (1/2)

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Enid's POV:

After spending 3 hours with Ajax, I walk back to my dorm with him. We hold hands as we walk.

"This was very fun, babe." He says, smiling at me.

"Yeah, I enjoyed it." I say, smiling back at him.

"We should go on dates more often." Ajax says, gently squeezing my hand. I nod in agreement.

As we arrive at the dorm, he leans against the wall, facing me.

"See you tomorrow?" He asks.

"Of course, Ajax."

I lean to give him a peck on the cheek but he grabs me by the waist and pulls me into a kiss. As we pull away, I blush.

"Bye, babe." He smirks teasingly.

My eyebrows frown but I smile at him.

"Bye, Ajax."

I giggle as I open the door, he starts to walk away. I close the door and see Wednesday sitting down. Her head on her arms.


I walk up to her.

"Are you asleep?"

I lean down to try and see her face, her eyes are closed. I smile as I realise that she is asleep. I walk up to my bed and grab a blanket. I walk back to her and slowly place it over her back, I notice her shift slightly.

"Sinclair." She mumbles in her sleep.

I try not to giggle as she keeps mumbling my name. I decide to lay down on my bed and scroll through my phone. After a few minutes I hear her say something again.

"Don't go."

I look at her, listening to what she says, but she stopped talking. I debate whether to wake her up, I decide not to. I turn my back at her and focus on my phone.

Wednesday's POV:

I wake up, not remembering falling asleep. As I sit straight I feel a blanket over me. I take it off and see how colourful it is, it's Enid's. Why would she give me her blanket?

I stand up and as I turn around I see Enid laying on her bed, completely passed out. I can't help but let out a small chuckle. Quietly, I fold her blanket and slowly place it back on her bed, trying not to wake her up. I unlock my phone and see that it's 6 pm, realising that I've been sleeping for a couple of hours. How absurd.

I prepare myself to leave, but as soon as I open the door I hear a voice behind me.

"Wednesday?" Enid says with her sleepy, tired voice.

I turn around and see her sitting on her bed, her covers still over her.

"Sinclair, did I wake you up?"

She shakes her head while rubbing her eyes.

"Where are you going?" She asks me with her croaky voice.

I pause, trying to not react at her unusual voice.

"I thought of visiting Eugene." I answer.

She blankly looks at me, zero thoughts behind her blue eyes.

"What.. what time is it?"

"6 pm."

"What? I thought it was like 3 am!" She exclaims as she flops back on her bed.

"How long have you been sleeping, Sinclair?"

"Less than an hour." She quietly mumbles as she closes her eyes.

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