Just Keep Breathing - Beth Mead & Katie McCabe

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"Fight! Fight! Fight!" A chant started, as if we were in year 7, but that just attracted the principle and lecturers, trying to pull us away as we were basically rolling on the ground on top of each other, getting in punches wherever we could.

"Girls! Stop! You're adults!" The principle shouted, physically dragging Milly away from you. "Tell her to keep her fucking mouth shut then." You spat, annoyed to high heaven. "Y/n Mead, aren't you meant to be going home today?" One lecturer asked, and you slowly nodded. "Yeah. I tried to leave but this bitch smacked my head across the floor." You whispered, which was genuinely the truth.

"Y/n, you've missed your train home." One of your only friends, Abby, spoke, and you looked straight at your watch. "Thanks a fucking LOT, Milly!" You were so mad. "Naww, is Little Mead missing out on big sissy time?" She taunted, making you roll your eyes. "Milly. Inside." One lecturer spoke, basically pushing her inside.

"How are you going to get home now?" The Principle spoke. "I'll just call Beth or Viv..." You whispered, pulling out your phone as the rest of the people went either inside, or back to what they were doing. Instead of calling your sister or fiancée, you decided to call the one person who you know you could trust more than anything.

"Katie...?" You whispered over the phone. "Hi, little one! What time are you coming home?!" She sounded so excited to see you. "That's... the thing. I was wondering if you could pick me up? I maybe missed my train." You chuckled, trying to not tell her what actually happened. "Of course. I'll set off now, I'll be there in two hours, okay?" She smiled and you agreed. Now... what to do for two hours?

For those two hours, you decided to go to a cute little cafe, and have a little walk around town, just waiting for Katie to come and pick you up. When she arrived, she looked straight at your face once you sat down. "Don't tell me that miss innocent got into a fight?" She chuckled, running her finger over your bruised cheek. "Let's... not talk about that?" You giggled, and she agreed, driving back to St Albans, talking about everything she has been up to.

"Why are we not talking about you?" She asked, slightly concerned. "Nothing to talk about, McCabe. Been doing my Uni work, handed in my first assignments for my classes... I'm chill." You smiled back, quite unconvincingly. "Mhm, okay."

You got back to Beth and Viv's house about 3 hours after you were meant to, and after many many panicked texts from both women, you reassured them that you were fine with Katie. Katie also helped you clean up all your cuts and bruises, and helped you try your best to hide them from your big sister, but some of them were clearly visible.

"What the fuck happened to you?!" Beth shouted as you walked in the front door, your body as close to Katie as you could without raining suspicions on anyone's behalf. "I'm fine." You chuckled back, going over to Myle and giving her a quick cuddle. "I'm quite tired, you know. I might go upstairs for a nap." You whispered and everyone just nodded.

As you were walking upstairs, you heard Katie start talking to Beth about you being in a fight... no one was happy about it. You heard Viv furious, and that doesn't happen very often.

Instead of going to sleep, you pulled out your laptop that you brough with you, and saw an email from your Principle.

"Hello, Y/n Mead.

I hope you got home safe, however, there are a few concerns that have been raised about the physical altercation that you were in earlier.

We have looked at the CCTV, and unfortunately, you were in a blind spot, but we have many witnesses claiming that you were the one that started this altercation. As both of you have come out with physical damage, we are wanting to speak with both you and Milly Brown about this.

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