A New Family - KCC & Arsenal

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        It's been 6 years since you saw your sister, Kyra Cooney-Cross. She has been in England for two of those years after coming to England to play for Arsenal, but you have been in England for 6 years after deciding to move across the world to be with your girlfriend, Tara.

Everything was nice and calm for the first 3 years of yours and Tara's relationship, until you told her that your sister might be moving to England too. You wanted nothing more than to see Kyra again, as having that younger sister – your best friend – in the same country as you seemed like heaven.

Once you told Tara you wanted to either move closer to London, a 6-hour drive from where you live now, or just be able to see your sister every few weeks when she was free, she freaked out.

"Why the fuck would you leave ME to go see HER?"

It turned really fucking toxic... really toxic.

There were screaming matches almost every night, multiple phones broken when you tried to tell Kyra what happened. It got to the point where you gave up. You had no contact with anyone but her – not your mother, father, Kyra... not anyone. It was lonely.

One night, when everything got too much, you decided to leave. You NEEDED to leave. That day was full of abuse, mental, physical, emotional. You had bruises all down your body from the hits and punches you faced just from MENTIONING your sister.

"You're 26 in a few days, y/n, get a grip and leave." You tried telling yourself the day before, and today was the day you decided to take that grip and leave forever.

You had absolutely NO idea how to get down to London, except one person... Sophie Bronze. Lucy Bronze's younger sister. She lived around the corner from you, and you saw each other on walks when you took your Dalmatian, Belle, out for a walk.

You quickly packed your bag, having no idea at all what to pack, what to take... How long could you stay with Kyra? What if she wasn't in the country? What was happening? You need to think about this.

You grabbed a bunch of clothes, sentimental things that you brought over, and chucked them in a duffle bag while your girlfriend is out at a club with her friends, once again. You looked at your dog who was just sat crying... You start to think she knows your leaving.

Suddenly, you realised something. YOU paid for the dog; YOU look after the dog... she's YOUR dog. Take her.

You packed up all your dog's things and checked the time to see how long it had been since Tara left the house – one hour. Leave now because she won't be home for another few hours.

You took Belle, your bag, and your coat out the door, locking it up just like how Tara left it, and made your way to Sophie's house. You pray that she's in. A few knocks on the door and there she stood, just woke up as it was midnight, and looking you up and down.

"Enough was enough?" She asked as though she knew what had happened – you haven't told her. "Yeah... I was maybe wondering if you could take me down to London with you tomorrow... maybe? I'll give you petrol money and I'll be good company." You whispered, resulting in a little chuckle coming out her mouth.

"Of course. We leave at 7am tomorrow because Lucy lands at 2:30, so let's get you and Belle upstairs in bed, okay?" She asked and you nodded, still unsure if you should be doing this or not. You got into the spare bed, with Belle asleep immediately next to you, but you could barely get to sleep.

You actually didn't sleep.

Sophie came in the room at 6am the next day, coming to 'wake you up' but she could tell you hadn't slept. "You can sleep in the car if you need? There's shampoo and conditioner and everything else in the bathroom if you want a shower before we go too. I'll get us a breakfast on the way." She smiled and you nodded, getting up and going into the conjoined bathroom.

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