III] A visit from sorcerer

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"Now who's gonna fill me on top secret affair?" the man eyes colour changed from Blue to yellow. 

Alpheratz sighed, "Jeez, stop talking like an uninvited creep, Sirius."

"I don't know if you checked Stella Tab but... ... I've made the schedule quite clear. You're late." Spica sighed in disappointment. 

"I'm sure it's all misunderstanding. After all we arrived here pretty early...-?" Arcturus smiles awkwardly.

Pollux hide the fact he was crying and say, "I told him to come here but he didn't listen."  

"Oh boring old bunch. You sorcerers need to learn how to take a joke!" he laughs as his eyes turn into another color.

Lilith on the other hand silently observe Sirius features. She swear she knew him from somewhere, it feels like he is someone she really should know. 

Sirius noticed Lilith was staring at him so he smiles and went next to Lilith.

"Ah, my apologies. I was too preoccupied with my colleagues to notice you." Said Sirius. 

"but you made an eye contact with me when you entered the room..-" Said Lilith. "Never mind.. Uhm, my name is Lilith Valentine." She introduced herself.

Sirius then smiles and took Lilith hand kiss it. "The name's Sirius, first Sorcerer of Canis Major. Greetings summoner from foreign land." 

"... Hey have we met before..?" She asked which got Sirius of from his guard. 


"Sirius, why do you keep calling Lilith... A Summoner?" Arcturus interrupt with a confused expression. 

Lilith stay quiet while Sirius put up his front again. He then say next to Lilith with a grin, 

"Ah, I heard everything on the way here. I find it very interesting that our little lady use summoning magic on Arcturus." answered Sirius as his eyes changed into a dark red. He looks at Lilith and say "you're not a sorcerer because you aren't constellations choice but you got too much magic talent to not be called anything. Therefore, Summoner good at summoning magic... ... I think I've give out the lady the best name possible." Sirius proudly claimed.

"I would prefer to be called Lilith though..-" She muttered to herself. "ah.. Never mind, thank you Sir Sirius." she thanked him for the nickname. 

"See, direct approval! What more do you need?" He chuckles. 

"Yeah, hmm.... It doesn't actually sounds bad." Pollux agreeing with Sirius. 

"Spica why do you look excited. You never look excited-" Alpheratz took a notice on Spica smiles. He find the blonde one is creepy when he smiles sincerely. 

"oh Because Sirius just addressed one of our biggest problems. You see, one must be a sorcerer to attend Contell. They won't look favourably upon to non magical individual on campus but it seems like we have a solution now." explained Spica. 

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