X] The missing memory

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"Please Lilith!! Let's go out, I'm sure sorcerer Spica won't notice your absent!" Crux pouted. "I want to buy you dresses!" 

Lilith sighed as she closed her book. She was just studying because Spica suddenly gave her a lot of homework, she still haven't finish the previous assignment. 

The ball is coming soon and she still has no dress. Since she can't go out from the Contell and she don't have money... Plus she is busy with meetings and homework.

Lilith gives Crux a patience smile, "I'm sorry Crux, I am a bit busy. Still Hael haven't eat anything yet, can you take care of him while I finish my work?" 

Crux was surprised by Lilith request but he doesn't object it. "Oh! Heck yeah! I would love too!" he smiles as he took Hael from the table. "I'll be taking great care of your cat! Don't worry Lilith!" 

Crux then left the library. Lilith watched them leave then turn back to where she left her work. She just planning to wear the uniform to the ball and she don't plan on not doing her homework...  .... 

"Hey Summoner can you help me?"

"Summoner, I need help."

"Summoner can you—"

"Heyya can you—"






... For 2 weeks, Lilith got busy. Many students want her to help them with homework and preparation for the ball. 

She swears she getting sick of this. She didn't have appetite since then and have been sleepy all the time. 

"Lilith, are you alright?" Spica asked out of concern. 

Lilith force a smiles, she realized she's still in the meeting. "I'm fine." said Lilith as she don't want to let anyone down. 

Everyone didn't ask further which she appreciates. As the meeting over, Lilith tiredly walk outside. She then hide herself before Arcturus could ask her what's wrong. She can't put a burden on Arcturus, he is busy with the preparation as well. 

Lilith doesn't want to be a burden anymore, she promised herself to be useful. 

"Lilith are you alright?" Crux tapped her shoulder which cause her to flinched. "I... Girl?? Seriously what happened- did you sleep??" He asked. "As much I love taking care of your cat, he miss his owner too-"

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