ᑕᕼᗩᑭTEᖇ 19: ᖴOᖇ ᗷETTEᖇ Oᖇ ᗯOᖇᔕE

Start from the beginning





BAM.     BAM.     BAM!

Love is a cycle. When you love, you risk getting hurt. When you get hurt, you may feel hatred. When hatred consumes you, you strive to forget. And in the process of trying to forget, you begin to miss what once was. And when you start missing... you eventually find yourself falling in love once again.

Carlton was going through the toughest period of his life, feeling empty and insignificant. He felt unworthy of loving her, as if he was not good enough. The rejection made him question his worth, leaving him feeling like less of a man and undervalued.

The first time you fall in love, it transforms you in ways you never imagined, and that feeling lingers in your heart indefinitely. He was aware that this love would always haunt him because she was the first woman he had ever truly loved. He had been clueless about love, unfamiliar with genuine emotions for a woman. He had always treated women he slept with callously, seeking only pleasure and entertainment.

Elena was just another woman to him initially, someone he had no intentions of pursuing a serious relationship or marriage with. She was as attractive as the other women who typically caught his eye. However, the instant he kissed her for the first time, he was completely captivated. Initially unsure of what he was feeling, he found himself wanting to prolong the kiss indefinitely. He had never experienced such profound emotions from a simple kiss before, but with her, he realized that a kiss could turn reality into something truly beautiful.

Carlton was consumed by a mounting rage and frustration that threatened to overwhelm him. Feeling utterly helpless and furious about the circumstances in his life, he sought solace at the gun shooting range near his apartment building. With a grim expression, he relentlessly fired his gun at the target positioned 20 meters away. Each shot was a release of his pent-up emotions, his tormenting thoughts fueling his growing frustrations as he poured his anger into hitting the target.


BAM.         BAM.

BAM.        BAM.         BAM.       BAMM.  

BAM.        BAM.      BAM.    

The gun suddenly jammed, prompting Carlton to quickly reload. Pressing the magazine release button with his thumb, he swiftly removed the empty magazine as it dropped. In one fluid motion, he picked up a loaded magazine from the nearby table and inserted it, ensuring a firm click. He then gripped the top of the gun's slide, pulled it back until it stopped, and released it, readying the weapon to fire once more.




The gunshot was deafening, the sound reverberating like a bell around the hall, drowning out the noise of the shotgun itself. Carlton remained focused and determined, intent on obliterating the target directly in front of him. As he emptied the entire magazine, he swiftly moved to reload, only to be caught off guard by Grant's unexpected voice.

"Grant?" Carlton exclaimed, spinning around to face his one and only friend. Grant met his gaze with a deadpan expression.

"I knew I'd locate you here!" Grant declared, his eyes piercing and unwavering. Carlton couldn't help but feel a sense of unease at the stark contrast in Grant's demeanor.

"What are you doing here? I thought you were heading out on your business trip!" Carlton exclaimed, hastily removing his earmuffs. Grant took a deep breath, contemplating his next words carefully.

"Carlton, I am aware of what you have kept from me and your family. I'm both disappointed and angry because I warned you about this before. I could tell your behavior was off because of her!" Grant's words were firm, his eyes unapologetic. The revelation left Carlton speechless and stunned.

Grant exclaimed in disbelief as he stared at Carlton with a mix of astonishment and irritation. "They caught you and Miss McLain getting cozy in a pool in Bali! I've seen some pretty steamy pictures, if you ask me!" Carlton's eyes dropped to the floor, his hands balling into fists as he tried to absorb the shocking revelation.

"You really thought you could get away with it in another country? How naive can you be, Carlton?" Grant chided, shaking his head in disbelief.

"But don't sweat it! I already took care of it. I paid the guy off to keep those pictures under wraps. I figured you wouldn't want the whole world knowing about your little escapade with a McLain of all people!"

Grant smiled smugly, "I doubt your father would ever forgive you for this." But the smirk quickly vanished from his face as he witnessed a sudden transformation in Carlton's demeanor. In a matter of seconds, Carlton's expression turned cold and indifferent, a hint of sadistic amusement glinting in his eyes.

"Release them to the public!" Carlton's voice boomed through the hall, his tone commanding. Grant blinked in surprise, amused by Carlton's sudden boldness.

"What? Are you serious?" Grant stammered, eyes wide in disbelief. Carlton smirked in response, quickly reaching for his gun and taking aim at the target downrange.

"Hand over those pictures, Grant! I want the world to know I'm dating the daughter of the stock market president!" Carlton declared with a smirk, ready to take his shot.

Carlton is about to make things happen, for better or worse!

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