Chapter 13: Nothing Mother

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He pulled away from me and smiled again. I blushed as I remembered him jerking off right beside me. "Dinner will be ready soon" he said as he went back to check the food. I sat down and watched me. My mind was running wild while I looked at Terry, I didn't realize someone was beside me.
"Leo baby are you okay" I looked to see Mrs Hendrix, she immediately pulled me into a hug. " Ohh baby I heard you had a panic attack, are you okay, do you want to go to the hospital" she placed both hands on my face and was examining me.
"Common Bella let the poor breath" Mr Hendrix said, he came close to me pushing his wife off gently and placed his hands on my shoulder. "Son are you okay" he asked, I saw a worried look on his face. "We got a call from the principal and told us, but he didn't say the details,so tell us what happened" with this he grabbed a chair and pulled it close to sit.
I wasn't going to tell them Perry caused it, I know his parents will scold him and I don't want that.
I smiled " the place was crowded and I don't know what happened I started seeing things and It triggered the attack, I'm sorry for making you worried" they both looked at me and hugged me
"We are just happy you are okay, if you need anything tell us okay" Bella said, I nodded and broke away from the hug.
I looked at Terry who was looking at us, he was angry. I could read his expression 'why did you lie ' I just smiled at me that it was fine and he forced a smile back.
"Dinner is ready" terry said as he set the table.
"Where is Perry" Bella asked
"I will go and call him" I stood up then terry stopped me
"Don't worry I will go" I knew he didn't want me to meet Perry yet, I guess he was afraid that I wouldn't be able to control myself or might end up having another attack. I nodded and he went.
I went back to sitting at the table. Bella and her husband were already sitting. "Are they fighting" Bella whispered to me, she knows when the twins are not in good terms, mother instincts I guess. Before I couldn't reply the twins walked in, Perry was looking down, he greeted his parents and sat opposite side of me. Terry then came to sit beside me.
I didn't have much appetite but I managed to eat . The table was quiet till Bella broke the silence
"What happened between the both of you" I knew she would ask soon or later, she looked at the twins "What happened" she increased the volume of her voice this time sounding more like a command
"Nothing Mother" terry replied as he put a spoon of food in his mouth. Perry hasn't even touched his food he kept playing with it.
"James talk to your children" she looked at her husband who signed as he dropped his spoon and placed his hands on the table.
"Terry Hendrix and Perry Hendrix" he called their full name this can't be good, I was already shaking, James is very kind but he is very strict when training us. He said he doesn't want to raised weak boys as sons .
"One of you cause Leo's attack today, am I right" I looked at his my eyes widened, how did he know fuck. "Answer me if I ask you a question" he shocked. He looked at Terry then Perry.
"Perry what happened" I was worried as he already figured it out.
"Hmm none of them caused my attack" I tried to convince him but he put his hands up telling me to keep quiet.
"Leo I have known you since you were a kid and I know when you lie" shit curse my honestly "and I also know when one of my son feels guilt" he looked at Perry and I saw Perry shaking. " So tell me Perry what happened" he asked Perry. I looked at Terry who was sipping on his water.
I placed my hands in his thigh and he accidentally choked on the water. He apologized and look at me. 'please do something ' I whispered. He sighed

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