Chapter 1: I love you mum

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"Hey Leo, wake up, we have to go," I opened my eye to see Terry beside, smiling brightly. "Fuck, he is beautiful," I said to myself. "We have to get going; class is over, you slept through the entire class," Terry said, trying to pack up his bag. I looked around and saw the class empty. "When did the class end?" I asked. "Hmm, 1 hour ago." "What?! Why didn't you wake me up, and where is Perry?" I asked with a surprised look. Normally, Perry would be waiting for Terry and me by the door side, but I didn't see him there. "He went to get something to drink; let's go and meet him," Terry said while still smiling.

Terry and Perry are twins, and I have been with them since birth. Our mothers are best friends, though they didn't get married at the same time, but they gave birth on the same day. So, I have to share my birthday with the Hendrix brothers. We have literally done everything together; some even call us triplets. My mother was a single mother; she and my dad were high school sweethearts. They went to the same college. In their last year, she got pregnant, and my dad said he wasn't ready and left her. Around that time, Mrs. Hendrix was already married, she didn't go to college with my mum, and found Mr. Hendrix. Mrs. Hendrix asked my mum what she would do. My mum smiled and said she would keep the baby. She raised me with love and care and made sure I didn't feel the absence of a father.

Well, not all good things last forever. My mom died when I was 6. We were crossing the road, and my toy fell down. I wasn't bothered, but mom went back to pick it up. A car appeared out of nowhere and ran her over. It was like a magic trick. I ran to her; she was bleeding a lot, but she was smiling. With the remaining strength left in her, she gave me my toy. I wanted to cry, but there were no tears. She touched my cheek, and we both laughed for some reason that I didn't know about, and she finally left me with a smile on her face. I heard faint noises of people trying to call for help. Still holding her hand, her beautiful dark skin was warm but starting to get cold. "I love you, Mum," I said as tears finally started to drop. The ambulance arrived and took her. After some time, Mrs. Hendrix came to pick me up, and she was crying more than I did. I stood up and went to clean her tears; she looked up at me. "Our Leo is a strong boy," she said with a faint smile. After the burial, Mr. and Mrs. Hendrix decided to adopt me. Perry and Terry played with me a lot so I could forget the incident. I told them I was fine, but they didn't want to leave me. They would spend the night in my room, talk to me in school, play games with me. I gradually got used to it, and everything seemed normal.

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