Sarang's Infection

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From the moment Sarang entered the world, she proved to be a fighter

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From the moment Sarang entered the world, she proved to be a fighter. However she was always prone to illnesses and infections. It was a reality that had become an integral part of their lives - hospital visits, medication, and moments of quiet worry for her health.

On this particular evening, as Do Hwan played with Sarang in their cozy living room adorned with toys, he noticed a subtle change. Sarang, usually full of vibrant energy, seemed quiet and lethargic. Her breathing, accompanied by a persistent cough, became a cause for concern.

Sarang's eyes, a mirror to her father's concern, gazed back at him with a mixture of trust and vulnerability. Sensing that something wasn't right, Do Hwan wasted no time. He scooped her up, not bothering to change her out of her adorable pyjamas, and swiftly placed her tiny feet into the ankle splints and shoes that had become a familiar part of their routine.

"Appa will take you to the doctor, Sarang. We'll make sure you feel better," Do Hwan reassured her, his voice a soothing melody amidst the underlying worry as he left the apartment soon to be greeted by the cold February air.

With Sarang securely fastened into her car seat, Do Hwan navigated the bustling streets of Seoul, the city lights flickering as they drove towards the hospital. The journey, though familiar, felt different that night - a mixture of routine and urgency.

The journey was silent, save for the rhythmic hum of the car engine. Sarang's wheezy breaths and the occasional cough were the only sounds that punctuated the air. Do Hwan's grip on the steering wheel tightened with each passing moment. His protective instincts kicked in, a father's intuition sensing that something was amiss

Arriving at the hospital, Do Hwan carried Sarang in his arms, her head nestled against his shoulder. The waiting room was filled with the quiet hum of fluorescent lights. As they waited to see their trusted doctor, Do Hwan cradled Sarang, whispering words of comfort and love.

Her tiny fingers clutching his shirt. The familiar scent of antiseptic hung in the air as they entered Dr. Kim's office.

"Ah, Do Hwan, what brings you here today?" greeted Dr. Kim, a warm smile on her face as she motioned for them to sit.

"Sarang hasn't been well, doctor," Do Hwan began. "She's been lethargic, her breathing is wheezy, and she's developed this persistent cough. I didn't want to take any chances."

Dr. Kim nodded, her expression shifting to a more serious demeanour as she examined Sarang. The stethoscope pressed against her tiny chest echoed the irregular rhythm of her heartbeat.

"Well, it seems like she has a respiratory infection," Dr. Kim explained gently, turning to face Do Hwan. "It's not uncommon for children with Down's syndrome to be more susceptible to respiratory issues. We'll prescribe some antibiotics in liquid form, making it easier for her to take through the NG tube."

Do Hwan nodded, his concern etched on his face. Sarang fidgeted in his arms, her eyes wide as she glanced between her father and the doctor.

"Additionally," Dr. Kim continued, "I'll provide you with a small supply of oxygen. Use it as needed, especially during nights or if she's struggling to breathe. It should help her get through the tougher moments."

The weight of the situation pressed heavily on Do Hwan's shoulders. He thanked Dr. Kim and left the hospital, cradling Sarang in his arms. As they drove back home, he couldn't help but replay the doctor's words in his mind.


Back at their cozy apartment, Do Hwan carried her to his room, where he had set up a cozy sleeping area for the two of them. He placed her on the bed, adjusting the pillows to create a comfortable nest. The soft glow of a nightlight illuminated the room as he sat beside her.

"Time for your medicine, Sarang," Do Hwan said, his voice filled with a soothing warmth. He carefully measured the prescribed dosage of antibiotics and skillfully administered it through Sarang's NG tube. She looked up at him with trust in her eyes, her small hand reaching out to touch his face.

"Sarang-ah," Do Hwan whispered, brushing a strand of hair from her forehead, "we're in this together, okay? Appa loves you more than anything in the world."

Sarang's eyes sparkled with innocence as she looked up at him, her small hand reaching out to touch his face. Though her speech was delayed, her eyes spoke volumes. In that silent exchange, Do Hwan found solace, knowing that their bond would help them navigate through the challenges life had thrown their way.

After the medicine, Do Hwan set up the oxygen adjusting the flow to ensure a steady stream. The sound of her breathing became more rhythmic as the oxygen provided relief. He continued to stroke her back gently, his fingers tracing comforting circles.

With Sarang nestled against him, Do Hwan couldn't help but marvel at the strength and resilience embodied in his little girl. The bond between them, forged through countless moments like these, was unbreakable. With a sigh of contentment, Sarang drifted off to sleep, her soft breaths a melody of peace.

As the night unfolded, he watched over his daughter, a mixture of worry and love etched on his face. The challenges of being a single father to a child with special needs were immense, but his unwavering dedication and the depth of their bond created a sanctuary of love and strength.


(If those who read this would be kind as to check out my other story Melancholy Masterpiece I would be very happy and grateful)

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