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"Okay, so now we know the gender I'll do the 4D scan and then see what little miss is doing in there and can confirm the initial downs syndrome diagnosis from the screening."


With the 4D scan going underway Do Hwan found himself keeping his eyes on the screen, and when the images of his unborn daughter appeared he found his breath caught in his throat as he could see her face in the 4D image for the very first time.

"Oh... wow, oh hi sweetheart she's really cute. She looks very cosy and content in there, I'm glad."

"Yes, she definitely does."

For a moment he watched as the doctor's expression became very serious very quickly as she studied each image of his little girl closely until it seemed she was ready to give him the news.

"Okay... I can confirm that she has downs syndrome, from what I can see she is showing all of the signs that are consistent with this. I can check her over when she is born and see how she is and then we can go from there, some of the signs I can see now is she has a small skull, upward slant of eyes and her nose is small with the flat nasal bridge.

"And I'm sorry, I know all these words that I'm saying right now are a lot to take in and there are more, I'll make sure to write everything down and then if you want to in your own time you can find out everything you want to know."

Taking a deep breath, his eyes had not once left the screen as he kept his eyes glued to his daughter as he was soon shown every detail as the doctor pointed out to him what she could see so far relating to downs syndrome.

But then came a difficult option and a question which his doctor didn't really want to ask but had to give him the option, one that was asking if he wanted to terminate. Not even need a second he didn't need to think about the question as he already knew how he felt.

"No, it's not an option. My baby, my girl is living inside of me she is a part of me and it was set in stone from the moment I knew about her existence and when I heard her heartbeat for the very first time and that's that. I know that I am not the only one to be ever asked such a question but it's one that never should be asked, just because she has a disability doesn't change anything... I'm sorry.", he replied feeling strong emotion.

"No, It's alright I undersand don't worry.", she told him.

"Am I free to go now doctor?", he asked softly.

"Yes, you're free to go."

Wiping the gel off of his belly and leaving the room he made his way back to the car all was quiet, and once in the safety of his car a quiet sob escaped his lips and tears cascaded down his cheeks.

The journey home was calm and before long Do Hwan had made it back home. Now exhausted from an emotional day felt his eyes begin to droop, taking of his coat and shoes he headed straight to bed for some much needed rest.


Later that afternoon, Do Hwan woke up feeling better and more refreshed than she had earlier in the day, rolling over he found the sonogram beside him and couldn't help but smile as he ran his thumb over the picture before looking down at his belly and resting his free hand upon it.

"It's okay sweetheart, we'll be okay I promise. Just because you have downs syndrome doesn't make me love you any less, you're mine and I love you so much."

The Unexpected Gift | Woo Do HwanUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum