12 Weeks

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By week twelve Do Hwan could see changes in himself and his stomach, there was more roundness to his stomach under his belly button and was a little more curved. To the untrained eye, it could pass as being bloated after having a lot to consume or that he had put on a small amount of weight but only Do Hwan himself and his doctor knew the truth.

With his eyes flickering open he wakes to the bright morning sun to then find he was half entangled in the sheets, as he pushed them to one side he looked down to see the shirt he had put on the night before remembering he had only bothered to button up a couple of buttons before getting into bed completely exhausted. Given that the lower half of the shirt had been left open it exposed his growing stomach, at which he couldn't help but smile and wonder when he would start to feel movement and feel it under his palm for the first time.

He knew it may not be for another couple of weeks but nevertheless he always and sometimes subconsciously without realising touch and cradle his ever-growing stomach. Moving his hand it came to rest upon his stomach his gentle smile appeared never to leave his face as he ran his hand up and down before pausing and moving his thumb in a soothing circular motion.

This feeling sent warmth and butterflies soring through him, the feeling he wanted to hold on to and never let go of. As he turned to lay on his side he found himself feeling sleepy again, his hand never left his stomach as settled down once again for a little while longer.


When Do Hwan began to stir awake it was almost midday but before he could wake up of his own accord he felt a deep churning sensation in the pit of his stomach feeling the need to be sick, in a way he was lucky that morning sickness didn't really affect him but when it did it came in strong bouts.

Taking a deep breath, he tried to suppress his ever-rising nausea but it was becoming difficult and before he knew it he started retching. In a matter of seconds, he moved out of bed quickly before rushing to the bathroom, getting down in front of the toilet just in time.

After a minute or two moving away from the toilet he stood and flushed the toilet as he took deep breath trying to calm his nerves.

Today he was due for another scan and this time a screening test and wondered what it was and what it envolved, he hoped that everythig would go well and somehow deep down he had a feeling things from here on out would be different but didn't quite yet know what that would be.

Deep in his heart he knew and felt that he loved his baby from the moment he knew about it's existance, and one thing was for sure, he knew it didn't matter if the baby was a boy or girl but that he would love his baby with his entire being no matter what.

Before long, the time had come to return to the hospital and once there he was called by the nurse to enter the room and be greeted by his doctor as the scan had gotten underway, every time he saw his baby on the screen a little bigger each time he knew he was one step closer to be able to meet his baby. Though during the screening he couldn't help but feel nevous but he knew what ever the outcome this baby was his whole world and nothing or no one could ever change that not now not ever.

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