Nose bleed

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Do Hwan cherished the quiet moments he spent with his daughter

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Do Hwan cherished the quiet moments he spent with his daughter. As a single father, every day was a new adventure, and he embraced it with the love only a parent could understand. Today was no exception, as they sat on the floor of their cozy living room, surrounded by toys and laughter.

Sarang, a bubbly two-year-old with a heartwarming smile, was engrossed in playing with her colourful toys. Her small hands moved with a determined purpose, exploring the textures and shapes that filled her world. Despite the developmental challenges she faced, Sarang's spirit was resilient, and Do Hwan admired her strength every day.

The gentle hum of their home was occasionally interrupted by Sarang's infectious giggles. She sat cross-legged, her attention captured by a plush toy she cradled in her hands. Do Hwan, dressed in casual attire, observed her with a mixture of pride and love, appreciating the joy she brought into his life.

As Sarang played, her attempts to stand up and explore the room were met with the unsteady wobbling that characterised her walking. Determined, she took a few steps, but her coordination faltered, causing her to lose balance and tumble to the floor. The room fell silent for a moment, and then a cry pierced through the air.

Panicking, Woo Do Hwan swiftly moved towards his daughter, gathering her fragile frame into his arms. "Aigoo Sarang, Sarang, it's okay, Appa's here," he whispered soothingly, his heart racing with concern. He cradled her in his arms, trying to assess the situation as her tears mingled with the sight of a tiny nosebleed.

"Appa's got you, sweetheart," he reassured, wiping away the blood gently with a tissue. Sarang's cries persisted, her small face reflecting the pain she felt. Woo Do Hwan's heart ached for his daughter, and in that moment, his sole focus was on providing comfort and solace.

Rocking her gently in his arms, he continued to murmur soft words of reassurance. "You're okay, Sarang-ah. Appa's right here. It's a little boo-boo, and we'll make it all better, alright?" The actor's eyes reflected a mixture of concern and tenderness as he held his daughter close.


Once the bleeding subsided, Sarang was left tired and teary-eyed. Do Hwan, still holding her, made his way to the comfortable reclining armchair in the corner of the living room. He settled into the chair, reclining it back slightly, creating a cozy spot for Sarang to rest.

"Shh, it's all over now," he whispered, cradling her on his chest. He gently rocked back and forth, the rhythmic motion lulling Sarang into a sense of security. Her small fingers clung to the fabric of his shirt as she nestled against him, seeking comfort from the man she adored.

His large hands tenderly stroked her hair, the rhythmic motion lulling her into a sense of security.

"Do you want to rest, Sarang?" Do Hwan asked, his voice a comforting murmur. Sarang, still catching her breath, tried to respond. However, her speech was a maze of indistinct sounds, the words struggling to escape her lips.

While she could speak a few words, her vocabulary was limited. Frustration marked her face, and Do Hwan recognised the effort she was putting into expressing herself. "What's wrong, sweetheart? Can you tell Appa?" he coaxed, his voice tender.

Sarang attempted to vocalize her feelings, but her speech difficulties became apparent. Frustrated tears welled up in her eyes. In that moment, Do Hwan gently suggested, "How about you show Appa with your hands? Can you sign, Sarang?"

With a determined look in her eyes, Sarang began to move her small hands, forming simple signs that conveyed her emotions. It was her way of communicating when words became elusive.

Sarang, Placing her small hand against her chest and then pointing to her nose, she attempted to convey her feelings through sign language. "Hurt... nose," she signed, her eyes pleading for understanding.

Do Hwan's heart swelled with love and pride for his daughter's resilience. "I know, sweetheart. Appa's sorry you got hurt. But you're brave, my Sarang. Daddy loves you so much," he replied, reciprocating her sign language with his own gestures of love and comfort.

She then placed her hand over his heart. It was her way of saying, "I love you, Appa."

Tears welled up in Do Hwan's eyes as he understood the silent conversation. He pressed a gentle kiss on Sarang's forehead.

"I love you too, Sarang. You're my little miracle," he whispered, cherishing the bond that transcended words.

As Sarang snuggled into her father's chest, her eyes fluttered closed, and the room embraced a serene stillness.

"Rest now, my sweet girl," he whispered soothingly, running his fingers through her soft hair. Sarang, her eyes heavy with fatigue, nestled against him, finding solace in the familiar warmth of her father's embrace.

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