A Trip To The Beach

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After breakfast, as they sat by the campfire, the gentle breeze carried the scent of the ocean, awakening a sense of adventure within Do Hwan

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

After breakfast, as they sat by the campfire, the gentle breeze carried the scent of the ocean, awakening a sense of adventure within Do Hwan. Looking down at Sarang, he asked, "Hey, Sarang, what do you think about going to the beach today?"

Sarang's eyes widened with excitement, and she clapped her hands together, her face lighting up with joy. Her happiness was palpable, and Do Hwan's heart swelled with love for his daughter. He reached over to ruffle her hair once again and said, "Alright then, beach it is!"

Making sure they were well-prepared for their little beach escapade, Do Hwan grabbed a big beach towel and stuffed it into a bag along with water bottles and some snacks. He checked to ensure that their belongings were secure within their cozy tent, which had become their home away from home during this camping adventure.

With everything ready, he scooped up Sarang into his arms, settling her comfortably on his hip. She giggled as he swung her gently, her laughter blending with the rhythmic sound of the waves crashing in the distance.

"We're off to the beach, Sarang!" Do Hwan announced, his voice laced with excitement.

As they strolled along the sandy path that led to the beach, Sarang clung onto her father, her tiny hand gripping his shirt. Her wide eyes took in the lush surroundings, the vivid colors of the flowers, and the distant blue expanse of the ocean. With every step, Do Hwan's heart swelled with pride and love for his daughter.

The walk took about ten minutes, and as they finally emerged onto the sun-kissed shore, Sarang's face lit up with wonder. The fine sand stretched out before them, leading to the sparkling water that danced under the clear sky. Do Hwan set down the bag and spread out the towel, creating a cozy spot for them to enjoy the day on the beach.

"Do you like it, Sarang?" Do Hwan asked, crouching down to her level.

Sarang's eyes shimmered with delight, and she clapped her hands again, the sound echoing the rhythm of the waves. Her speech might have been limited, but her expressions spoke volumes.

Gently, Do Hwan settled beside her on the towel, taking a deep breath of the salty air. As the sun warmed their skin, he couldn't help but feel an overwhelming sense of contentment. Here, on the shores of Jeju Island, surrounded by the beauty of nature and the pure love he shared with his daughter, everything felt perfect.

Sarang reached out her hand, her fingers brushing against the sand, and she looked at her father with a questioning gaze. Chuckling softly, Do Hwan nodded and scooped up a handful of sand, letting it slip through his fingers. Sarang's laughter filled the air once more, as she imitated his actions, a joyful grin on her face.

"A - Appa!"

"Hmm? What is is it sweetheart", he asked with a small smile on his face and unrequited love in his gentle eyes as she babbled making up her own words giving him a cheeky smile in return.

With buckets and shovels in hand, they set to work building sand castles. Sarang's laughter rang out like music, filling the air with a melody of pure happiness. But as the tide began to creep closer, Sarang's gaze shifted towards the water, her eyes wide with curiosity.

"Sarang-ah, how about we go and dip our toes in the water?" Do Hwan suggested, gently lifting her into his arms. He positioned her on her feet, steadying her as she wobbled a little.

Holding onto both of Sarang's hands, Do Hwan guided her towards the water's edge. The waves gently approached, their foamy fingers reaching out to touch the shore. Sarang's toes sank into the wet sand, her giggles filling the air as the water caressed her feet.

Sarang's eyes were wide with wonder as the waves lapped at her feet, the sensation new and exhilarating. She squealed in delight, her fingers tightening around her father's hands.

"Look, Sarang, the sea is saying hello," Do Hwan whispered, his heart swelling with pride and love as he watched his daughter experience this new adventure. He marveled at her courage and determination, her spirit shining brightly despite the challenges she faced.


Before long she wanted to collect stones and seashells.

The beach was scattered with seashells and smooth stones of various shapes and sizes. Sarang's eyes sparkled with fascination as she bent down to pick up a seashell, her small fingers gently caressing its surface. She brought it up to her ear, her face a portrait of concentration as she listened intently.

"What do you hear, Sarang?" Do Hwan asked, his heart swelling with love.

Sarang looked up at her father, her expression a mixture of curiosity and joy. "Oshen," she replied, her pronunciation endearingly imperfect.

Do Hwan chuckled, his heart warming at her response. "That's right, Sarang. You can hear the ocean in the seashell."

As they strolled along the shoreline, Sarang's eyes never left the ground, her sharp gaze capturing every shell and stone that caught her attention. Do Hwan knelt beside her, joining in her exploration. They gathered seashells of various colors, some with intricate patterns, and others with smooth, polished surfaces.

Sarang's coordination was still a bit shaky, her steps unsteady as she occasionally stumbled on the uneven terrain. Do Hwan offered his hand whenever she needed support, and their laughter floated in the air like a melody as they moved together.

After a while, Sarang plopped down on the sand, a collection of seashells and stones spread out before her. She picked up a shell and held it to her ear once more, her eyes closing in concentration.

Then, a giggle escaped her lips, a sound so pure and contagious that it made Do Hwan chuckle along.

"You like that, don't you?" he asked, his voice a gentle whisper. Sarang nodded, her smile radiant.

For hours, they wandered along the shoreline, collecting seashells and stones of various shapes and sizes. Sarang's laughter echoed as she discovered the treasures hidden within the sand. They built sandcastles, played tag with the waves, and even attempted to write their names in the sand—a moment that left them both in fits of laughter.

Sarang's rosy cheeks and tired eyes signaled the need for a break. They settled onto the sand, Do Hwan cradling Sarang in his lap, a cozy blanket wrapped around them. He gazed out at the horizon, the expanse of the ocean a reflection of the possibilities that stretched before his daughter.

Sarang leaned against him, her head resting on his chest. He could feel the gentle rise and fall of her breath, a reminder of the life they shared. With his arms around her, Do Hwan whispered words of love and encouragement, his voice a soft serenade to her soul. Sarang responded with a contented sigh, her hand reaching up to touch his cheek.

The sea breeze ruffled their hair, and the distant call of seagulls added a touch of serenity to the moment.

With his arms wrapped securely around her, Do Hwan let out a contented sigh. He closed his eyes, allowing the symphony of the waves crashing against the shore and the distant seagulls' calls to wash over him. The world seemed to fade away, leaving only this moment of profound connection with his daughter.

Sarang snuggled closer, her head resting against his chest. In the stillness, Do Hwan could feel the rhythm of her heart, a steady reminder of the bond they shared. He lowered his chin atop her head, his heart brimming with love and gratitude.

The Unexpected Gift | Woo Do Hwanحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن