(Y/N): Naruto, you can't be serious!

Naruto: I'm the only one who has the power to stop them! You'll just be in my way, (Y/N).

The white haired male's eyes widened. He looked down at the ground. Naruto was right. Without his alien powers...

Tsunade put a hand on (Y/N)'s shoulder.

Tsunade: Trust Naruto with this, (Y/N). You can't be at the center of every fight.

(Y/N): But...

Tsunade: Naruto's been training specifically for this fight. It's best not to interfere. All his training has been for a fight without you there. It would throw off his strategy.

(Y/N) bit his lip and nodded, still looking at the ground, feeling so useless and helpless.

Tsunade: Naruto, take Katsuyu with you. She'll come in handy. She has intel and can heal you.

She held out a small part of Katsuyu, which Fukasaku got. He and Shima jumped onto the scroll rolled up on Naruto's back.

Naruto: Sorry, (Y/N). I know you want to help, but I can't risk it...

(Y/N): I know, Naruto. Just take him down for me, will you?

Naruto looked at (Y/N) and gave him a soft smile. It vanished when he turned to Tsunade.

Naruto: I...probably shouldn't bring this up...but now that I've mastered nature energy, I'm able to sense everyone's chakra.

Tsunade had a saddened look on her face. (Y/N) was confused on what Naruto meant.

Naruto: Is Kakashi-sensei on a mission away from the village?

When Tsunade didn't answer, Naruto turned forward and stared at the ground.

Naruto: ...Okay...

Gamakichi grabbed (Y/N) and Tsunade and took them off of the battlefield. The Anbu raced after the toad.

(Y/N): Lady Tsunade... What was Naruto talking about?!

Tsunade's lip trembled, but she didn't say anything.

(Y/N): <worried> Lady Tsunade!! What's wrong with Kakashi-sensei...?!

But he already knew deep down what Naruto had meant. He grit his teeth.

(Y/N): <tearing up> Where is he?!

Gamakichi dropped them off in the rubble of the village and leapt back into the crater.

Tsunade: I'm so sorry, (Y/N)...

(Y/N): Tell me! Where is he?!

He choked back a sob. Kakashi wasn't dead... He couldn't be dead!

Tsunade: Choji... Find Choji...

The Hokage's skin was starting to get wrinkled. She stumbled forward. (Y/N) caught her.

(Y/N): Lady Tsunade!!

Sakura came running over towards them, shouting their names in relief.

Tsunade: <weakly> Sakura... It's all right now...

Sakura knelt down and grabbed Tsunade's old hand, as the older woman went unconscious.

(Y/N): Is she going to be okay?!

Sakura: I... I need to heal her. (Y/N), are you okay?!

(Y/N): I'm fine... Naruto's back and he's fighting Pain now. I have to go find Choji!

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