Chapter 2

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Noah woke with a start as he heard his alarm go off. He rolled over and lazily turned it off. He had lived in London for about 8 months. He had turned 14 the previous month, and his sister turned 15 a few months before that. Today was the day he was joining his sister's high school. Apparently nobody from his 8th grade class was going here, so it was all new people. He rolled over, covering his head with his pillow. 

"Noah, are you awake?" His mother's soft voice called from outside his door. "Yeah!" He called to her. He sighed and heaved himself out of bed. He threw on a hoodie and loose jeans. He brushed his hair a little bit. It was pretty short, but it was fluffy and he looked horrible if he didn't brush it a little. He walked out of his room, closing the door behind him. He flopped face first onto the couch. "The fuck are you doing?" A voice asked. "Go away, Amanda," His voice cracked. "Awww. Is someone getting puberty voice cracks?" She teased him. He sat up and glared at her. "Fuck off," He snapped. She rolled her eyes. "Jeez, fine," She huffed and walked away. He grunted with the effort of standing up. He was still tired and so was his body. He rubbed his eye as he walked to the fridge to get himself some breakfast. He looked inside, but nothing seemed appetizing. He closed the door and sat back down on the couch, going on his phone. 

A few minutes later he looked at the clock. He stood up and walked over to his mom. "I'm going to start walking. I don't really have anything better to do," He shrugged. She nodded. "Amanda, you guys are leaving. Remember, you are showing Noah the way to get there!" She told her sternly. Amanda simply rolled her eyes. "Yeah yeah, whatever," She muttered. "Let's go," She said to him reluctantly as she walked to the door. He followed her and they left the house.

Once they had walked down the street from their house, Amanda turned and looked at him. "Figure it the fuck out on your own. I don't need to be seen with you," She sneered, running off. He looked after her with a frown. He sighed and took out his phone to use the GPS. Why does she hate me so much..? He pondered. Then he remembered that she was 6 when their father died, so Amanda must remember him. Is that why..? Because..because I remind her of him..? He winced at the thought. He shook his head with confusion. 

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