Upset Kin

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"Oh boy, a lecture," Link said, as Mipha looked at the bruise on Tridents arms.

"And then he grabbed me! His weird nails dug into my arm and it hurt and and-" Tridents bawled.

"You really screwed up this time dad," Wave said.

"Why do you live here still while Coral lives elsewhere?" Link asked.

"You gave me the ugly," Wave said.

"Oh sweet little child, it's fine," Mipha said, putting her hand to Tridents cheek. "Link, to our bedroom."

Link shuffled to their room, and hid in the closet.

"Link, come out," Mipha said.

"No," Link said, fusing the doors together. "I prefer life."

"I'll give you something special tonight," Mipha said, seductively.

"Food?" Link asked, looking out.

"No, even better," Mipha sighed.

"What's better than food? Hmm. Oh! Yes! But is it possible to have friends in a bottle, well, maybe if it's Koco," Link pondered. "Tell me."

"You know what? Never mind! It's a three gosh darn diamonds and a Zora Spear! Go get me a new Lightscale Trident. Now!" Mipha said.

Link hurried out with the stuff. He appeared later, missing dinner.

"Ho boy," he said, as Mipha walked up to him.

"Where's the Trident?" Mipha asked.

"In my never ending pouch."

"Here's a book. Read. Now."

He looked at the title. Parenting 101.

"You misted out on most of your children's lives, don't screw up with the little again."

"I got you a thing," Link said, as Mipha was about to leave.

"I don't want it," Mipha said.

"Oh, okay," he said. He held the package in his hand.

"Can you sleep elsewhere tonight?" she said.

"Y-yes," Link said.

Link walked out the door. He staired at the package. He ripped open a corner. He opened it completely. He stared at Opal necklace. He sobbed.

"I hate sleeping for so long."

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