Coral and Mipha

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"Coral! Lets go do something fun while Wave and your father practice sword fighting!" Mipha hollered.

"Yay! Mother daughter bonding!" Coral said.

"Okay. So, do you want to visit Auntie Urbosa?" Mipha asked.

"Yay! Aunt Urbosa!" Coral cheered. 

"Okay, I have some chilled fish, lets go," Mipha said.

"Bye daddy, bye Wave!" Coral said. They left. Link and Wave sat there in silence.

"Can we go to?" Wave asked Link.

"Eh, technically no, but I'm not much to follow the rules," Link said.

"So we can go?" Wave asked.

"How do you feel about changing genders?"

Mipha and Coral walked through the stalls of Guerudo town.

"Aunt Urbosa is in a very important meeting," Mipha said. "Do you want to go massages?"

"Sure!" Coral said. They walked in and asked to be waken up at night. Urbosa would be done by then. Mipha lay on her back, waiting for the person to come. A few minutes later, it started. They were doing something wrong, Mipha could tell. She looked behind her to see if it was a new person. She was startled to see Link in the Via outfit. She tried to sit upright, but Link help her down.

"Why are you here?" she hissed.

"I have no clue what you are talking about. I'm the new person," Link lied.

"Where's Wave?" Mipha said.

"Getting bomb arrows."


"I'm going to show him how to kill a Molduga! Looks like your massage is up ma'am, you go sleep over there," he said ushering her to the beds. He left without a word.

"Dad, isn't this dangerous?" Wave asked, from atop a rock. 

"Nonsense! I'm just going to ride it!" Link said. "Get ready!"

The Molduga came rushing at Link, and before it ate him, he jumped to the side and lodged his sword in his back, staying on.

"Woo hoo!" Link shouted.

"Hey mommy?" Coral said.

"Yes dear?" Mipha responded.

"What is that person doing?"

"It appears they're riding a Molduga. Oh Hylia what did your father get himself into now."

"I think I figured out how to steer it!" Link said.

"That's great but when will you kill it?" Wave said.

"Side, to side, side, to side!" Link said moving the sword back and forth. The Molduga was to hurt to go on, and dropped dead.

"Ew! The guts got on me!" Wave said.

"It'll wash off. Lets look in these chests!"

Hey. I won't be writing for a week because it is the holidays. Bye bye, and see you later

A Hero and his fish ~ Back at it againDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora