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"Come on Warren, we're going drinking tonight" A group of doctors walked past him and one stopped to talk to him.

"To that same little bar no thanks" Ben shook his head

"No man. There's this music club that we're trying out. We hear the main event is quite the looker"

"I'm not going to gawk at a woman with you all" He laughed

"I hear she has the voice of an angel"

"I hear she used to be in broadway"

"I hear her voice sets a spell on a man makes him go crazy"

"You guys have heard an awful lot" Ben laughed

"Come on Warren"

"Fine. But only to see this singer you all brag about" He sighed adjusted his bag on his shoulder. They all cheered and left the hospital. Ben followed them in his car to the club.

"Get ready to be under her spell man" One of the guys laughed. They walked in the club and sat down at a table. They listened to the band play and Ben was enjoying the atmosphere of the place.

"So when does this angelic singer come out" Ben asked

"Whenever she's ready" One of the guy's shrugged

"Mandy you're on in 5" The stage manager called out to her. She rolled her eyes and drank her bourbon

"Mandy goes on when she's ready" Tucker snapped

"Tucker be nice" She laughed

"I'm saying. Who is he walking back here barking orders" He adjusted his suit in the mirror "I'm your manger. It's my job to stick up for you"

"My manger that I also sleep with huh" She sipped her drink

"Well this is mostly business baby. Remember you won't be in clubs forever. You're going to be a star" He chuckled showing his gold tooth. Tucker was a slick talker. He wanted people to believe he had money, charm, and power. Truth was his talk was just as fake as his suits and shoes. He was full of hot air and a small fraction of what he had to say was the truth.

"Right cause your record deal man is coming tonight" She rolled her eyes. She heard this story night after night. Club after club.

"I'm sure he'll be here" Tucker nodded

"And the president is coming too right" She finished her drink and stood up "Why do I listen to you. My voice is that of an angel. You hear the reviews I get. I could get a real manager and kick you to the curb" She snapped

"Mandy baby. I think you've had a cup too many"

"Maybe it's that cheap ass cologne you're wearing. Fumes must be messing with me"

"I'm tired of that mouth of yours. Don't I take care of us"

"It's my voice people pay to hear. No one is lining up to see Tucker" She picked up a flyer and shoved it in his face. "Mandy. That's who they're here for"

"Get that out of my face" He crumbled the flyer and pushed her into a wall slightly putting his hand around her throat "Remember who you were before I found you. Mandy was quiet as a church mouse. Could barely hear a squeak from you. I made you. Without me no one would even care about who you are. So instead of talking shit to me and running your mouth say thank you Tucker"

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