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The gentle breeze of the afternoon air seeps through my office's open windows, the thin curtains softly dancing against the air.

My thoughts have been heavily occupied by the past interactions in which occurred within Mr Dosteovsky's office. From his forceful, assertive tone over the phone, his piercing, intense gaze which lingered against my body and oozed with intimidation, I cannot think straight. 

My heart raced and pounded against my chest with the most horrible intensity when I opened my bank account that night. I never truly thought this amount of compensation would be sent to me, without my knowledge, nor comprehension. 

And to Mr Dosteovksy, the amount which was sent to me is worth absolutely little to him. 

Around twenty-five thousand dollars. 

And sent to me within one night, I could not handle the shock. 

I still don't exactly know what I plan to do with such money; I haven't been able to truly think about those sorts of things recently. 

1:48 pm. 

The clock which hangs on the wall gently clicks by each second, my stomach churning uncomfortably, the air oozing within my office sweeping my hair gently as I clip my locks back, leaning over my desk with my nails flicking through thick bundles of files, sliding them in plastic leaflets and tucking them into a binder neatly. 

My thoughts run and whirl, a deep and shallow sigh of exhaustion leaving me. This week has been horrendously tiring, but then again, I say that for every week. 

With the sudden, startling sound of my office door creaking and opening, my thoughts instantly drop. 


His scent is what I instantly recognise. 

It's intense, it's thick. My heart begins to quicken rapidly.

"Miss Y/N,"

Velvet voice. Smooth, laced with pure, self-made authority.

My back straightens from my desk, my eyes naturally fluttering around my office before meeting those ice blue eyes which naturally deepen with his gaze meeting mine. 

My lips part and a deep breath seeps through my lungs. 

"M-M... Mr Doesteovsky,"

My cheeks flush with embarrassment. Butchering his name with such failed precision is the worst of all forms of mortification. This doesn't phase him. He doesn't react in any noticeable manner, which only eases me the slightest. 

"Fine day it is today," He comments flatly, a heavy huff leaving his nostrils as he enters my space, his gaze sheening with curiosity over my office before meeting my sight once more, my body tensing immediately. 

I can only nod with a short smile, formed even with the exhaustion that pulses through my body. 

"I... May I ask you something, Sir...?" I question with a faint, lingering tone of worry, my mind shifting against my dwelling thoughts. His head perks in the slightest, his dark brow gently cocking upwards, waiting for my voice to follow. 

"I-I... I don't need that money, sir, and if you k-knew that... would you still have made t-that call?" I question, my eyes instantly averting from his once I notice his brows furrow for a short moment. 

"What you want or need is not something I particularly care about, Miss Y/N. What is deserved towards others is what matters. When a worker is disrespected, compensation is rightfully eligible, and you were compensated, simple as that. Never mind that though, let's go."

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