Chapter 5 -The slap.

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He was sitting on the edge of the desk his gaze fixed right on her. She was laying there on the couch her hands were laying on her chest. Seconds turns into minutes turns into an hour. He had bought her to his private room.

It was just them. He was staring at her every features intensely. She was the definition of beauty.

Her eyes open and met his eyes.

she blinks few times and looks at her surrounding, he looks away from her. "What happened to me?" "You fainted"

She sits up and looks around again and back to herself moving her hair away from her face. He forwards water bottle "No need" His expressions changes hearing her denying him. "Then stop lingering." He stands up and looking away from her and points his hand to the door. "You can leave" His voice sounded bitter.

She looks at his hand and back to him glaring at him she grabs her bag and stands up. "What kind of man are you? You fell upon us like a nightmare." with one last glare she walks out.


Seema and Mayra who were still waiting in the living room. Mayra was on her phone while seema was walking back and forth. She stop in her place when her eyes lands on Zeynep. "Thank god You're finally home.! Where have you been, what have you done all this time?" Zeynep puts her bag on the couch sighing she looks at her mom.

"Anne Just let me catch my breath, mom. I'll tell you everything." Zeynep looks around and back to her "Where is Grandma?" Mayra looks up to her "In her room" "Go get my sister and hande everyone else. We need to talk." Mayra nods getting up leaving.

"What's going on, Zeynep?" Seema says concern. "Let's Wait for others."

After few minutes everyone comes in the living room standing. "So, as you can understand. We lost everything." Everyone had little hope, perhaps she could have done something about this matter.

But hearing this from zeynep.

There is no hope anymore.

"This can't be..That man can't have done everything according to the law." "I thought the same. But there isn't a single mistake in the accounts." Zeynep nods.

Seema looks down feeling lost. "So we're zero, is that so?" Mayra says which zeynep nods.

"What the hell? we have nothing? Allah, I'm going crazy!" "And why did that man choose my engagement day?" Rana adds while wiping her tears.

"He said, my mother made him to do this." Everyone looks at seema. "He's not wrong about that." Seema sighs "What are we going to do zeynep? Is there no solution?" she shakes her head.

"I talked to a couple of acquaintances for you. There will definitely be a family that wants to work with you." Zeyneps says looking at the maids long with the rest. "God bless you, Ms. Zeynep. You thought about us with everything going on." "Come on You are no different!" They all nodded their heads thanking her and walks away.

It was just them now. "We need to evacute before the evening." "WHAT ARE YOU SAYING?" Mayra shouts. "So where are we going to go?" Rana says crying.

"I rented Mr. mehmet's mountain house. We'll stay there for a while." Seema chuckled "What? are we going to be tenants? besides, why are you in such a hurry?" Zeynep glares at her mom. "I am, anne? he doesn't allow us. He's kicking us out! are we going to stay here by force. This is legally his house." she says in stern voice.

Seema shakes her head "We are the ahmad family. We are surrounded by reputable people." Zeynep shakes her head "That's not true! there's nobody with us. If you warned me in time, maybe i would have found another solution. But it's too late now."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05 ⏰

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