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[Located unknown]

Nikolas:where the fuck am I

???:Ah your awake [a bright light begins to show in Nikolas face]

Nikolas:who who are you?

Voice:my name is the voice you did a lot in hell

Nikolas:what are yo-the hotel MY FRIENDS

Voice:they are safe but darkness and evil is coming for your friends

Nikolas:how do I safe them

Voice:you must believe

Nikolas:believe believe in what?

Voice:believe in me and I will give you the power to help your friends

Nikolas:I will who are you

Voice:I tell you in time but now time to go back

Nikolas:what? [Get sent flying to the sky]

Voice:are you sure this is a wise idea you know what he did to Adam your first man you created and she Corrupted

...:I know but we need all the help we can take for the coming darkness and the first sinner has been Redeemed so now it begins

Voice:yes sir my father in heaven

God:it is almost time darkness is coming

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God:it is almost time darkness is coming

Twin Of The Robotic Jester Where stories live. Discover now