Good Times

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[In the hotel Quakerjack made his Appearance known to the princesses and friends and know the princesses wouldn't d-]

Charlie:[breaks a beer bottle and aimed the Make shift weapon at Quakerjack]WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING HERE

[OK may have been a bit wrong there]

Quakerjack: It's good to see you again princesses How have you been

Charlie: I've been good so try to forget how you try to do a coop de ta on my family try to kill me and blowing up one of hells rings In the process

Quakerjack: You see when you sarah like that it counts sounds like on the bad guy

Charlie:YOU ARE [takes a deep breath] you were my friend the first Person I have believed in and who believed in me. And yet you still try to kill me kill my family for what power money

Quakerjack:I never Meant to hurt you but I couldn't stand and watch as in people can you slaughtered corrupted ir worse anymore so I do that I do not care if you don't forgive me or not. I will not forgive me. I will, but please find it in your heart to not forgive me, but to help me help my friend find a better place then this

Charlie:your friend?

Quakerjack: I may be possessing someone

Charlie:damn it Olidimmara


Charlie:it is his name

Quakerjack: Oh yeah I changed my name by the way it Quakerjack now

Charlie:Oh course it is look Whatever you're doing here, I cannot allow you to stay in this hotel. You are dangerous every one in here

Quakerjack: And he's not [points to Alastair]

Charlie:you know what I mean

Quakerjack:come on Charlie please be a good boy And help you bring more people in

Charlie:how are you going to do that

Quakerjack:by song

Vaggie:Oh no

Charlie:what kind of song did you have in mind?


Charlie:you stay for tonight but tomorrow you get out

Quakerjack:very well darling I shall see you in the morning Oh and Charlie


Quakerjack: It is good to see you again my friend

Charlie:yeah it is

[What will happen Next find out next time on hazbin hotel]

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