battle of the clowns pt2

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[We cut back to the present, with Fizzarolli looking into his mirror, focused on a grey patch with a scar over his right eyebrow with great concern. Then he begins searching around the vanity area for something as Asmodeus and grimmroll stands behind the couch nearby.]

Fizzarolli: Oh, fuck. Mammon is gonna notice that. Ozzie! Where did my foundation go?!

Asmodeus: This is the tenth year in a row you've done this supid pageant, Froggie. And you win everytime! How come you're always so dead set on this?

Fizzarolli: I wanna make Mammon proud, okay? He's- really passionate about the craft of clown. He expects perfection, so I- I gotta be perfect.

[Fizzarolli slumps into the couch as Asmodeus approaches him.]

Asmodeus: Fizz, you ain't perfect! Nobody is! How abooout, you sit this one out, and let someone else take the spotlight? You deserve a break. Or a vacation, where you don't have to fend off creeps the entire time.

Fizzarolli: *scoffs* I had to fend of creeps before the robots, I just have thirstier ones, now. Besides, I just- have to do this!

Asmodeus: *frowns* Lemme rephrase: I don't like how many creeps you have now, thanks to Mammon. And I don't like designing sex toys with your likeness for him! Pretty sure you feel the same.

Fizzarolli: (frustrated) I just don't think about it, a toy is a toy! *calms down* Look, Ozz, I'm fine. Working for Mammon is a big deal to me. He's been my idol since I was five, I can't just- not compete! I'd be letting him down! Th-the fans down!

Asmodeus: (bluntly) Mammon can eat my ass - in a bad way. Fizz, I've known that guy since the start of Hell, and He. Fucking. Sucks. Always has! He doesn't even do clown shit anymore.

[Then Asmodeus sees the dejected look on Fizzarolli's face and lets out a heavy sigh before handing him a small jar of foundation. (Apparently, he had it on him the entire time) Fizzarolli takes the jar and, while facing the mirror, applies some until the grey patch is gone.]

Asmodeus: I just don't want you doing all this for someone's approval. Sometimes heroes let you down.

Fizzarolli: I know, Ozz. But, this- i-is for me. I don't wanna lose.

[While watching Fizzarolli prepare for the contest, Asmodeus begins to think of something.]

[We cut to Blitzo, alone in his house. He is sitting on his couch in the dark, while disgustingly eating cereal when his phone rings.]

Blitzo: (mouth full) Yello?

[We intercut between Blitzo in his house, watching a movie about horses making out and devouring a large block of cheese whole, and Asmodeus standing behind a curtain in front of Fizzarolli's dressing room, initially keeping an eye on Fizzarolli before walking away to continue with his phone call.]

Asmodeus: - Is this- Fizz's former bestie, then lifelong enemy, then recent hero, now newly rekindled sort of friend, Blitzo?

Blitzo: Ehn, that is a weird way to put it, but (proudly) eeyup, that's me.

Asmodeus: This is Asmodeus.

Blitzo: (surprised) Oh, shit. The big Ozz himself! Heh, is there a reason you're calling me on the weekend Your sin- sinness? Sinfulness? Sin- *stammering* Royal, big man?

Asmodeus: You've lived rent free in Fizz's head for years, so I can't help feel he values your take on things.

Blitzo: Yeah, I was the one who usually had the stronger opinions. Yeah like, like one time, he tried convincing me that juggling was cool, but it's only a little cool at best.

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