family reunion [Grimmrolli side]

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[In front of Verosika Mayday office Grimmrolli was there after making Quaker jack drunk so he couldn't fuck up his date but as soon he was able to knock the door open to show NIKOLAS]

Grimmrolli:Nikolas what are you doing here!?

Nikolas:Oh Grimmrolli hey [holds the door]brings you here

Grimmrolli:uh I'm here to pick up bu- Verosika is she-[right about he was going to say anything else he heard a "pop" and one of Verosika 'friends' popped her head out]

Coco:Oh your the little imp she was waiting for hang let me go get her[Walks off to get her boss]

Nikolas:I can ex-

Grimmrolli:no need sorry for blue balling you

Nikolas:it fine have fun you kólos

Grimmrolli:you to vlákas

[The two friends shared a laugh]

Verosika:Oh [in her dress]Grimmy you couldn't wait to see me huh

Grimmrolli:you look beautiful bubbles [holds out some flowers]I got them for you

Verosika:[takes them]oh thank you [but then had a evil grin]trying to get in my panties early are we grimmy

Grimmrolli:[blushing like mad]w-w-what n-no I j-just tho-[het kisses my Verosika]

Verosika:I'm only teasing [looks at her phone]come on Grimmrolli let get going or else we be late [looks behind her]alright girls I be back later tonight so try not to break him will you

Milky:Oh don't worry about us we make sure we can walk

Apple:don't know about shu-shu

Verosika:haha shu-shu[Whispers into Grimmrolli ear]we should get going before we see you friend die[to everyone]ok have fun

[After leaving Verosika office and going to osmosis show]

Waiter:how may I get you of-i mean how may I serve you today

Verosika:I have so bea- some wine yeah wine

Grimmrolli:red wine

Waiter:very well[Walks off to get there order]

Grimmrolli:I thought you get something stronger?

Verosika:I'm trying not to be drunk off my ass

Grimmrolli:ok so what did you bring me here for? I mean it not like I'm not ungrateful or anything but-

Verosika:well two reasons one I was ask to join as a special guest...that and those guys[points at the Squarters]

Grimmrolli:Oh ok what is the second reason

Verosika:[looks at a drink in front of her filling her with temptation]huh oh

[The show started and Fizzarolli was here Grimmrolli was shocked at seeing his twin for so long how he been gone for but then notice his metal arms and legs a "gift" for what happened on that day]

Verosika:surprise I thought you and your brother can talk

Grimmrolli:Oh I see well-[he was cut off by Moxxie's was singing his song to Millie but then it all went to hell during the show Grimmrolli left filled with to much emotion he was outside having a panic attack]

Quaker jack:so this is the reaction to seeing your brother in what 10 long years

Grimmrolli:shut up I don't want to deal with you now[get picked up by the neck by Quaker jack tail]

Quaker jack:careful boy I can kill you and your friends anytime I want so be a tad bit more nicer to me ok

Grimmrolli:f-fuck YOU

Quaker jack:maybe later till then I wanted to let you know I'm going to have fun later so I see you soon my little impish play thing[disappeared but it was replaced by Grimmrolli arm choking himself]

Grimmrolli:[let go of himself and slowly starts to laugh and cry Realizing he slowly going insane]am I really having a mental breakdown Hahahaha God I'm so weak [looks down at a broken piece of glass]maybe I should end it no is going to remember me everyone has moved on[picks up the glass]one cut and it all over[he puts the glass to his arm he was about to cut intill]

???:that a bad Habit you got there[Grimmrolli drops the glass and looks behind him to show Fizzarolli himself]

Grimmrolli:[still had his hood on him so his brother doesn't know it was him]Fizzarolli what are you doing here

Fizzarolli:well Verosika was bitchin that her date ran off on he'd so I Decided to help her out[looking at disguise Grimmrolli]I'm guessing that your her date

Grimmrolli:y-yeah just had to get some fresh air

Fizzarolli:and spill some blood to?

Grimmrolli:I'm not having a good day

Fizzarolli:I bet [sighs]look I don't usually do this but do you want so help ... getting back to your lady friend that is

Grimmrolli:yeah I guess thanks sir

Fizzarolli:just call me Fizzarolli [help up Grimmrolli for his hood to fall off]you look just like my-

Grimmrolli:I'm a big fan of your brother sir sorry I hope I didn't do anything wrong

Fizzarolli:Nah you're good hell Ii better then that copycat


Fizzarolli:Yeah what was his name Quaker Quaker something

Grimmrolli:Quaker jack?

Fizzarolli:that the one mam what a asshole

Grimmrolli:yeah sounds like a asshat

Fizzarolli:Yeah say I didn't catch you na-

Verosika:Oh there you are [hugs Grimmrolli]I was worried about you [looks at Fizzarolli with a hateful look]Fizzarolli

Fizzarolli:[returns the look]Verosika

Verosika:we come on let get going

Grimmrolli:r-right thank you Mr Fizzarolli

Fizzarolli:no problem just be careful don't want my little brother fan to get some STDS

[In Verosika car]

Grimmrolli:what was that?

Verosika:bad history

Grimmrolli:did you two?

Verosika:fuck no just after you "died" your brother didn't let it go and blamed me for your death and lets just say we been at odds ever since

[Enters her apartment]

Grimmrolli:well I'm glad for today and sorry for running out got a bit overwhelmed

Verosika:[in the bathroom]no need but just one little thing

Grimmrolli:yeah bubbles

Verosika:[come out of the bathroom with no Clothes]I'm going to have to punished you my little Grimm

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