Truth seekers into

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[The episode opens up to panning shots of four monitors. The first shows Blitzo and Moxxie outside Martha's house, Moxxie then pushing Blitzo's gun causing him to shoot in the wrong direction in "Murder Family". The second shows Millie coming out of the ocean after killing the fish monster in "Spring Broken", the third shows Millie and Moxxie French-kissing while swinging on a rope in "C.H.E.R.U.B.", and the fourth shows a shot of horses, which then zooms in past them onto Blitzo, who was caught choking on the boba pearls of his drink. And the fifth one showed Quaker jack gunning down a swat team laughing his ass off Someone then points at the screen with Blitzo.]

Agent One: Right there! This was the first sighting.

Agent Two: They are definitely from Hell. They must use this dark magic to cross over into our world... and they seem to be killing specifically targeted people. But, why?

Agent One: They always attack at random, aaaall over the country. There's no way to predict where they'll show up next!

[A loud clattering noise is heard from outside, followed by a stock angry cat sound. The two agents immediately glance over to a barred-up window obscured by heavily damaged blinds. Agent Two makes a gap between the blinds to the outside to see what made that noise. The agents then see the source of all the racket: Blitzo, standing on a box and a dumpster while holding the dumpster lid open. He looks around suspiciously And Grimmrolli looking at his new boss with great shame and disappointment]

Agent Two: Ahhh, well... That's convenient

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