killing a bitch

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(Some time later in imp)

Quakerjack:so you want us to go kill the human that fucked you life up

Mayberry:yes I want her to suffer

Quaker:... ok I kill her as slowly as possible

Mayberry:that works

Quakerjack:great now let me talk to my boss real quick

(Ten minutes later)

Quakerjack:ok he agreed now let go meet the team and pray it goes well

(5 minutes later)

(Everyone standing In front of a burning I.M.P building)

Quaker:well that Excalated quickly

Blitzo:bye and Don't worry we'll get that skank in less then 24 hours or your first kill is free(Mayberry drives away)

Moxxie:when did we start implementing that deal

Blitzo:(grab Moxxie)when you set fire to my office in front of a client you fucking dick shit (throw Moxxie away)now someone please tell Me that fancy book is still intact

Lonna:you mean our only ticket to the other side (Pull out the book)yeah got it

Blitzo:and that why your my favorite loony (Pull out a dog treet) you get a tweet now

Lonna:ew stop (Blitzo eat the dog tweet) you're so gross oh stop it I get enough of that from my therapist now let's go lick some ass

Millie:don't you mean kick some ass?

Blitzo:mine better

(Outside the house of the bitch katz pulled out a big fucking gun)

Moxxie:Quaker jack are you really going to kill that family

Quaker jack:hah no I'm just killing the mother im destroying a family like so(but moxxie pushed the gun away as Quaker jack fired miss the bitch and hit the wall)with allowed the family to pull out Guns! But blitzo was tearing moxxie a new one but got shot in his arm)

Blitz:Ah a new hole scatter(all the crew and me when in different directions)

(As the rest of the crew where taken down Quaker was running away to the exit portal to get more guns (cuz blitzo only brought one fucking gun but he was a lost and heard foot steps so he did the only thing he could)

Bitch:where are you clown boy I just want to tell you a joke it funny

(Below her covered in Leaves and mud Quaker jack was scared of being found by the bitch but she heard  Blitzo phone)

Quakerjack:fucking bitch now where are you blitzo (see a big ass fire in the distant)found you(begin to walk there)


Martha:now i send you demons back to hell( light them on fire to no effect)

Blitzo:yeah your fire doesn't hurt us but we Scream to make your dick hard

Martha:oh shit then I'll shoot you in your smartass mouths(aim her gun at them)

Blitzo:that will work


Martha:haha(about to shoot them but got a metal arm in her chest killing her in seconds)

Quaker jack:welcome to my world bitch

Martha:oh fuck(dies)

Blitzo:now let go home(pull moxxie to him whisper in mox ear)if you do this shit again i will fuck you your wife and your son(push mox away)now let go home

Quaker jack:guys give me like 3 minutes I have something to do (pull out the gun and shoot Martha head) ok done let go

(After a while)

Quaker jack:hey mox what did you do?

Moxxie:oh I called the police

Quaker jack:you mean that police (points at the police aim there guns at the house)

Moxxie:yup(the police blown the house to pieces)

Quaker jack:we never here (picked up moxxie and went back to there office and keep this mission to the grave)

(Sometime later)

Quaker jack:miss Mayberry I got you a gift

Mayberry:her head?

Quaker jack:nope


Quaker jack:something much better


(At the porn Studio)

Demon:what do you want

Quaker jack:two sits for the 'gift'


Val:ah so your the one who gave me my new money maker come on in

(They saw Martha getting raped over and over and over very very painfully)

Mayberry:not going yo lie that got me a bit wet

Quaker jack:eh not my cup of tea I hope it was better than a head on a stick

Mayberry:I didn't mind if you want some tea come by my place I have a two cup waiting for you

Quaker jack:very well I got some time to kill anyway

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