a new life

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Grimm:(wakes up in Pain) oowww my body wants to die (looks arounI? where am i?

???:your at my hotel

Grimm:(Grimm look at the people who voice belong to)PRINCESS CHARLOTTE (falls out of his bed

Charlie:are you ok...what are you doing

Grimm:please princess Charlotte don't kill me

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Grimm:please princess Charlotte don't kill me

Charlie:(Surprised)Kill You nonono I'm not going to kill you

Grimm:your not?

Charlie:no I'm not

Grimm:oh thank you oh merciful princess Charlotte (well at least something stick)

Charlie:please call me Charlie

Grimm:yes princess Charlie

Charlie:(dead pan) just Charlie

Grimm:yes princess Charlie

Charlie:So how are you feeling?

Grimm:in great pain what happened to me (I know what happened to me but I want to hear her excuse)

Charlie:well you got hit by a car me and my girlfriend Vaggie saved you

Grimm:...(bows again)thank you merciful princess Charlie (I going to love pissing her off)

Charlie:(sigh)it no problem so uh what your name

Grimm:my name that easy my name (don't say Grimm) quaker jack

Charlie:quaker jack?

Grimm:yes I'm a well was a street  Performer the mad jester quaker jack

Charlie:never heard of you

Grimm:(falls face first on the ground)my ego

Charlie:are you ok?

Grimm:(get back up)yeah I'm fine just my ego took a hit

Charlie:sorry about that so are you going to be leaving

Grimm:I guess if you don't want me in your hotel

Charlie:NO I mean I want you to join my hotel

Grimm:ok bit just know I don't have any money

Charlie:oh no need it free

Grimm:you kidding

Charlie:nope and if you do join you get some money

Grimm:i Don't want to take your money princess

Charlie:why not?

Grimm:well I'm not very good with money you think you can hold on to it for me

Charlie:oh I will and thank you for joining my hotel

Grimm:no problem how many people live in your hotel

Charlie:...4 people

Grimm:I call dibs on a good room

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