a great day in hell into

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[Story time]

???: Once upon a time there was a glowing city protected by golden gates known as heaven it was Created by God and his angels Beings made of pure light That worshipped good and shielded all from evil lucifer was one of these angels He was a dreamer with fantastical ideas for all creation and God favorite son But he was seen as a troublemaker by the others angels of heaven For they felt his way of thinking was dangerous to the order they Spent so many years creating he watched In jealousy as his brothers and sisters started to play with creation like the humans God created adam and Lilith equals as the first of mankind but Despite this Adam demanded Control and Lilith refused to submit to his will she fled the garden drawn By her fierce independence lucifer Found her in the two rebellious dreamers fell deeply in love Together they wish to share the magic of free will with humanity but lucifer had another reason for it By offering the fruit of knowledge to adam's new bride eve Who gladly accepted? But this gift came with a curse for with the single act of disobedient and trickery evil and sin came into the world destroying the order that his brothers and sisters made lucifer was happy by this because he was right that the humans can be so Easily tempted when he confronted this to his father God Decided to banish him and his wife from heaven a war was raged in heaven many died but with the last of his power God Banished lucifer and his Followers the depths of hell in order to save heaven But it came with a deadly cost God fell into Is a deep slumber this Caused a Divide in heaven to those who sided with Adam and his Exterminators and Michael and his Keepers of peace While in hell lucifer lost his will to dream and gave in to his rage and Jealousy while Lilith thrive In peruing demankind with her voice and her songs that one that they will Rise again and so The numbers grew in hell so much that heaven In fear of retaliation unleashed Adam and his exterminators to purge hell ever year to made sure the demons of hell never come out of there holes but Lilith hope remained And the dream of freedom was passed down to there daughter the princesses of hell and her loyal His protector and royal jester Olidimmara but olidimmara didn't like this plan so he waited and planned to make his dream come true so he did a coop de ta and took over hell then he raised a great army of hell and attacked the gates of heaven But is was Quickly defeated but it did had its effect on the Residence of heaven that the demon are still alive and was more powerful then they thought olidmmara was Sentence to death by the blade of heaven and Trident of hell to make sure he doesn't come back again but his last words Stuck with everyone there]

Olidmmara:you really have no idea do you YOU ALL KNOW NOTHING OF THE BOTTOMLESS LOVE AND MALICE WITHIN THE HUMAN HEARTS I see you all in The void and Don't keep me waiting

[Just then all of hell and heaven felt true fear for the first time These were not the words of a beaten and broken demon Waiting the icy grip of death and the fiery fist of judgment but One glance at the resolve written across his face he SMILE told everyone that he Made it clear he meant every single word then his death his body and soul was Split in 3 different pieces one in hell one in earth and the last piece was locked into the Deepest vault in heaven and peace was kept for 20 years intill he woke up again still waiting still planning still looking for this other halfs]

Quakerjack:the end so what did you think?

Grimmrolli:you need help also come on Charlie asked us to come downstairs she has something to show us

Quakerjack:Alright Alright I'm coming  [looks at the readers I'm coming back to rule]

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